The best perk of being a Childcare Business Owner

The best perk of being a Childcare Business Owner

This week my blog post isn’t so much about strategy, but reflecting and sharing on the freedoms of being a Childcare boss. This is certainly one of my most favorite perks of being a Childcare Business Owner!I’m guessing that you wanted to become a childcare business owner because you dreamed of helping families but I bet there’s another key reason – you wanted freedom and flexibility!

I want to share with you what I mean by “freedom” and why it matters, and how I got to a place where I had room to breathe and space to fill with things other than work!

It started with a chat…

Last week I was talking with some of my girl friends, and we were all sharing how things are going for us. You know, the kind of chat where everyone has a little boast but usually backs it up with something silly that’s happened? And we were all laughing about whatever it was my friend said. Along the lines of how busy the store was and how she wishes she could go at a different time. She doesn’t want to do it when every other working mom is in there buying her groceries! 

I grimaced. It’s fair to say that sometimes I really do tease my friends that I have the luxury of freedom when it comes to making my own schedule. I can do what I want, when I want. At least most of the time, anyway! So I piped up, “You probably oughta start a Childcare, because I get to go to Walmart or the grocery store early in the morning, when everyone else is on their daily commute!”.  I got a couple of eye rolls and a “maybe I will!” hollered back at me!

How is it possible?

Having my Childcares all running smoothly, with my team in place – like a fine-oiled machine! Which has given me the freedom that my old 9-5 didn’t. Gone are the days where I needed permission to take my mother to a doctor’s appointment! I no longer have to wait for my holidays to come before I can take a day off. So when I’m in need of some time to myself, I can just note it in my calendar and things carry on without me for a day. 

I don’t need to be “on” 24/7

One of the major blessings I’ve been given is that I’m not always needed in any of the facilities nowadays. I can make my own schedule.  I don’t always have to be hands-on deck, and I don’t need to be in the office all the time – they’ve got that covered!  

It’s truly one of the best perks about being a Childcare boss, I’m very appreciative and very grateful. However, I also know that I’ve worked hard to get to this point and it didn’t start out this way!

Freedom works both ways

When we’re thinking about freedom, we tend to think about freedom to have time off. But on the flipside, it means we’ve got the capacity to be the helping hand to others when it’s needed. Recently, one of my team members needed to take time off short notice for an appointment. I had the freedom to cover her, so I said, “no biggie”, and was able to pop into the facility while she was out. When she got back I headed off again to do my own thing. 

How did I get to this stage of freedom?

This perk of being a childcare business owner didn’t come immediately. Don’t be fooled into thinking that overnight I created a crazy successful business and suddenly took days off and long lunches and spa trips. Nope. 

work hard - you can have this perk of being a childcare business owner

Freedom has come about with hard graft. It’s been possible because of the systems I’ve put in place (y’all know I love a system!). Creating freedom through the investments I made when it came to training my staff. Now they can run the day care centers without me. And you’d better believe that I’ve also taken time, energy and spent money on coaching. Mostly to fix my mindset around controlling every little thing! (Clue: you don’t have to!)

Put the foundations in sooner rather than later

Taking those steps early on in your business will give you freedom to do other things later on. What will you do with all that freedom? Maybe you’ll develop a second childcare center or perhaps you’ve got hobbies you’d like to pursue? I can think of thousands of ways you could use that flexibility! I bet you can too!

carrie green saying let's do this!

Now, I didn’t write this blog post to show off (although I’m proud of what I’ve achieved and have the audacity to say so!). I wrote it to show you how it’s possible for you too! I’m so thankful and grateful for the freedom being a childcare business owner gives me. And I want you to have that freedom as well! 

In case you’re looking to grow as a childcare business owner, I thought I’d let you know about my latest program! The doors are open to my group coaching program “The Simple Childcare Ownership Program”!

This 10-week coaching program is perfect for you, if you…

🟣 Believe working with children is fulfilling, and there’s no other job in this world that you would rather do!

🟣 Are ready to step into your power and develop your leadership skills.

🟣 Want to make the ultimate change and start the childcare business of your dreams, so you can live life on your terms.

🟣 Are fed up on the 9-5 rat race and want finances and flexibility

🟣 Are tired of getting in your own way and READY to start your Childcare boss journey


The first 2021 Program kicks off Monday, February 15 @ 8pm EST. We’ll be having weekly training with me Nyckie B in my private Facebook group with 2 weeks for implementing everything you’re learning. On the program I’ll be covering:


Sound good? You can sign up right now! Just click here.childcare ninjas logo 2020If the program isn’t for you, I’d still love to invite you to join us in the Childcare Ninja Facebook group where we’re all sharing ideas and learning from each other. We are an army of childcare professionals who are honing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!

Why 2021 is the year you can excuse-proof your finances!

Why 2021 is the year you can excuse-proof your finances!

If 2020 has taught us anything at all, then surely it’s that we need to be prepared for the unexpected and be as adaptable as we can be. So how can you use this knowledge to organize your finances to make you more secure?

So what I’m sharing with you today is things we can do to cover ourselves. Making sure we cover all the bases and essentials, plus investing in our childcare businesses and us. Because investing in ourselves is key to growth.

Does the word “finances” fill you with dread?

Since I’ve been running my own business, I’ve got a lot more comfortable talking about money. The ins and outs, the profit margins and invoices. I’ve written about it before over here, and in other places too!

It’s strange, because although we know how important money is, and how finances impact our lives daily, it seems that we don’t like to talk about it much. There’s definitely a touch of taboo when it comes to discussing the green stuff.

Recently, I posted about finances in my Facebook group and it turns out that not many Childcare Ninjas are feeling the topic! But what I want to change is how we view money. Because it is super clear that to become successful in your childcare business, you’ve got to get comfy with finances and the talk that comes with it.

Excuse-proofing your finances

Last year, it was very easy for many of us to make excuses around not investing in our childcare businesses, and putting off investing on ourselves. But now 2021 has arrived, and we should be able to start off on a good foot, covering ourselves so we have the finances we need to grow our businesses. This includes money for investing in ourselves and investing in our childcare businesses.

Now is not the time for excuses! So what can you do to change the way things have been going? Have you made a plan for alternative income streams? Have you got ideas for saving money?

Challenge yourself to up your finance game

Developing your childcare business this year means you’ve got to stop using the old excuse “I can’t afford it”. Take the opportunities that you’re given in 2021 to grow your business. Lean into the fear and get stuck in. Stop putting off investing. Take money as an excuse of the table. And to do that, you’ve got to set yourself up to be more secure. You need to get comfy looking at your finances. To know exactly what you need to have coming in, and some extra for investment.

I want to challenge you to sit down and create some plans on different ways you can make some extra income next year. Set a timer and write down all the possible ways you could make money. E-bay? Babysitting? Make a cup of coffee and really go for it with that list!

Think outside of the box!

What are you good at that could bring you in some side hustle money? Could you teach piano lessons or do dog walking? Could you offer odd job skills to neighbors? Perhaps you’re a dab-hand at baking and might offer your services to busy moms who haven’t got time to make that all-singing all-dancing birthday cake?

marie forleo no excuses

Don’t let worries about what other people might think get in the way of you trying ideas out. Marie Forleo waited tables and taught dance classes while she worked her way up to the top of her game! She talks about money myths many of us women fall into here. And doing something other than running your childcare business, so that you can have enough money to invest doesn’t make you a failure. Trust me!

Still stuck on how to excuse-proof your finances?

I have a great resource that can help you out. It offers a number of different ideas to help you get the cash you need to start your in home business, hire that coach, or purchase that course to help move you along on your journey to success.

I designed this for you because I want you to get the tools you need to get to the next level of your success quickly and I don’t want you to keep putting your success on hold because of limited funds. And I want to help you reach your success as quickly and as simply as possible because it’s about time that you started living life on your own terms! Are you with me!? Download you free ideas list here.

How do you feel about finances? Is it something you shy away from talking about? Or are you at ease in that kind of conversation?

Come and let us know over in the Childcare Ninja Facebook group! We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!

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Why you need to up your time management game to be successful

Why you need to up your time management game to be successful

One of the things I hear on a daily basis from other childcare business owners is that they “don’t have time”. What’s the common denominator of successful entrepreneurs and CEOs? It’s that they’ve honed excellent time management skills and are great at prioritizing. So this blog is focused on why it’s important that you up-level yours!

I want to share my tips for getting better at managing your time, including an app I use that has transformed the way I prepare myself for the day ahead. How we use our time can be a total game-changer in becoming successful in Childcare Business Owners.

Read on if you’re ready to find more time and get more done!

Where are you wasting time?

First things first, you need to look at where you’re spending your time at the moment. Track what you’re doing, hour by hour, minute by minute. How long to you spend in the shower? Putting on your make-up? Getting your kids ready for school? Making pack-lunches? It’s important that you can look at where there’s time going to waste.

Note all your activities down, trying not to be too hard on yourself. Is there anything that you’re doing on the daily that could be batched? Or perhaps you’ve noticed that you’re scrolling for too long and your  smartphone time is getting silly. Maybe you’ve realized that you need to spend less time watching TV. This isn’t about judging yourself harshly. It’s about noticing and making positive changes.

Time for a change in routine

Mornings are frequently where we can make changes with our time. So often it’s a time of the day when we’re rushing around like headless chickens, trying to make sure everyone is doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Mornings can be so hectic, it’s super easy to get caught up with rigmarole of the day and get ourselves overwhelmed. So if you make a single change after reading this blog post, let it be this one: allow yourself to have a morning routine.

I really want you to make a morning routine sacred in your day. When you carve out that time in the morning it helps get your day started off right and really helps you to hone in on what matters most to you.

You’ve got to give time to make time!

I know what you’re thinking, Ninja! You’re sat there, eye-rolling at this blog, right? Wondering where you’re going to find the time to plan out your time management. Oh the irony! I hear you. We’re all busy and we’ve all got mental To Do lists that are longer than the washing line. But I’m not messing around when I say this is life-changing. When you nail your morning routine, and track your time, you’re onto a winner!

too much to do and not enough time

Block out time as soon as possible – even if it’s over the weekend – to map out and plan your mornings. What do you want them to look like from now on? Where do your priorities lie? What kind of schedule will you set up? Can you categorize activities to make it easier? As soon as you start your new routine, you’ll quickly claw back any time spent planning, because your focus will be better and you won’t be as easily distracted because you’re sticking to a schedule.

There’s an app for that

I’m using this brilliant tool at the moment called “Seconds”. It’s an awesome app that really helps you get to grips with how you’re spending your time. It allows you to track how long you spend on different activities. 

By tracking your time you can see where it’s going and you can assess whether your time is being used on priorities or being frivolously frittered away. I promise you, it’s a real eye opener! And you won’t necessarily like what it tells you…but it’s truly helping me to see where I need to spend less time and where I need to increase it. Tracking my time means I can focus on the things that are actually going to help me grow my business.

An added bonus has been that I now place more value on my time, therefore I don’t waste time doing things that won’t help me achieve my goals.

Timing your activities

The “seconds” app is helping me so much with time management, but especially when it comes to my morning routine. Each activity is allocated a set time on the app. For example, I set it to give me 15 minutes to workout, 20 minutes to shower, 15 minutes for reading and I allow myself a much needed 30 minutes of meditation and prayer.

Sticking to a time for every task and being mindful and motivated to follow your routine means you begin to see things differently. You’ll discover you aren’t as laid back about what you’re spending time doing and become more intentional and protective of your time. When I started attaching tasks and time together, that time became more important to me as it was now scheduled in. 

Other ideas to up your time management game

As well as the “seconds” app and creating a morning routine, there’s plenty of other things you could try. I’ve heard great things about this book by Laura Vanderkam, and Marie Forleo talks about how to stop wasting time and become more productive here. You could try out what Silicon Valley execs do with their wardrobes – simplify to save time! Use the Pomodoro method for your daily tasks.

Hopefully you can see that it’s not rocket science. Time management is all about learning where you can use your time more effectively and being committed to a routine and prioritizing well. Furthermore, when you master time management, you create more time for doing the things that bring you joy and happiness!

childcare ninjas logo 2020

I’d love for you to join us in the Childcare Ninja Facebook group where we’re all sharing ideas and learning from each other. We are an army of childcare professionals who are honing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!

How to easily uplevel your childcare business documents right now!

How to easily uplevel your childcare business documents right now!

As Childcare Business owners we need to create all kinds of documents for the everyday running of our daycares. That might be important registration forms, rotas, meal planners, or simply printables for the kids. But wouldn’t it be great to know how to uplevel your childcare business documents right now?

Now, y’all know I’m not the most tech savvy Childcare Business owner in the universe, but there’s one particular tool that I use that has helped me raise my game!

In this blog I’m going to share with you how I’ve revolutionized and completely simplified my document creating process. Only read on if you’re ready to simplify your life!

What are you talking about, Nyckie?

Okay, okay. So I probably ought to tell you what the tool is! It’s Canva! It’s is an amazing tool. And this week I wanted to talk about how this brilliant tool can help you in your business.

It’s not usually what I do in these blogs but when I was chatting to some other Childcare Ninjas last month, it was clear that not everyone knows about it. I guess most of the time we’re too busy to explore the range of amazing resources right at our fingertips. It’s made a huge impact on my childcare business and I want to help you do the same. And it’s so powerful knowing about the different tech tools that can level up your business in so many exciting ways.


(And, just so we’re clear – this isn’t an #ad and there’s no affiliate links! I just LOVE this tool so much and needed to make sure y’all know about it!!)

Simple way to uplevel childcare business documents

When someone first told me about Canva a couple of years ago, I was like, “no way! I’m not a designer! I won’t be able to do this!” And I still can’t believe that I’ve been using it to create all sorts of things for my businesses since. Me?! It still makes me laugh!

What I love about Canva is that it’s a tool that is so simple to use. It’s been created by designers but is super simple to use. Which makes it ideal for those non-designers like me and you! So it’s perfect if you don’t consider yourself tech savvy or creative this Canva is definitely the design tool for you!

It’s intuitive and laid out in a way that makes sense. (Unlike so many other tool I’ve tried – I’m looking at you, Photoshop!)


Save time while leveling up!

When you’re caught up in the daily stress of running a childcare business, who’s got time to be searching for tools?! Well, that’s why I thought I’d tell you about Canva. Here are just a few of the ways it can save you time!

You can create a “Brand Kit” with all your colors and fonts, so you don’t have to search for the exact match each time. You can save your logo in there and drop it onto all the things you design. (They’ve also got amazing advice on how to do your own branding.)

Once you’ve created something, you can duplicate it with one click and adapt your creation to the next thing. No more cutting and pasting into boring PDFs or Word documents.

There’s tonnes and tonnes of templates ready for you to use and alter. Want a schedule of activities for your families? You got it! Need a new brochure for marketing? Here ya go. Not sure what to share on your social media? Get inspiration here. And that’s before we even get to the documents we need to use on a daily basis for running our businesses: invoices, ID cards, sign off sheets, checklists…you name it!

We haven’t got time to waste on creating things from scratch every time! Honestly, it’s a total game changer! Go on, give it a try.

Tech doesn’t have to be pricey

Back when I first set up my Childcare Business, it was impossible to get good design without spending hours learning to use a complicated (and clunky!) tool that cost a fortune, before caving in out of frustration and trying to find a vaguely affordable graphic designer.

Well it’s all changed now! We’ve been blessed with this fantastic tool and we should all be making the most of it! Canva has an extensive FREE package so you can get started without spending a penny. And the paid version doesn’t cost anywhere near as much as you might think. By using a tool like this you can uplevel childcare business documents simply and quickly.


For less than your weekly take-out coffee, you can have gorgeous designs for your business! So it’s great for new businesses who’ve got a tight budget. Have a look here for other ways to save money when you start your childcare business.

Get creative

Honestly, the world is your oyster when it comes to designing stuff! It’s a tool we use in both my Childcare Business and with Childcare Ninjas. You can use it to create all sorts like your documents, forms, printables, kids activities and reward certificates, through to your marketing materials. I’m not kidding when I say this is the best way to uplevel childcare business documents. I am so grateful to have this tool!

You can actually have bucket-loads of fun getting creative and designing everything for your Childcare Business. There’s gifs and stickers, meme makers and video templates too, so you can think outside the box and really make your business stand out! And there’s templates for personal things too – Christmas cards, planners, invitations and even T-shirts! All. The. Things!

I hope you’ve found this blog super helpful. If you have, share it with a friend!

Also, if you liked this, I wonder whether you’ve found the Childcare Ninja Facebook group yet? We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!

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Fabulous Finances: Money Myths in Childcare Business

Fabulous Finances: Money Myths in Childcare Business

During last decade – and beyond – I’ve heard countless money myths being waved around as reasons for hesitation when it comes to taking a step into owning your own childcare business. And while some of the rumors might be a hangover from days gone by, most of them are just factually incorrect and are certainly nothing I’ve ever witnessed.

There’s only so much time to write these blogs and you’ve not got all day to read them, have you?! So in this post, I’m busting three of the myths that keep popping up in Childcare Ninja conversations. Read on if you’d like to find out why you need to ignore the money myths and listen to your heart!

Money Myth 1: Expensive to get going

Not true! There are tonnes of ways you can start your childcare business on a budget. I’ve written a few blogs on this, but it is possible to start a wildly successful childcare business with limited financial backing. I know because I’ve done it! Cut back on expenses – do you need those subscriptions or the organic food? Could you strip it back to the bare minimum temporarily until your profits start coming in?

Look into ways of getting more knowledgeable that don’t involve spending money or spreading the cost between yourself and other childcare facilities. Sign up to mailing lists and free trainings and teachings around legislation and regulations.

Setting up your childcare business doesn’t have to be expensive. You don’t need an all-singing, all-dancing childcare business to get going. I think the phrase is “done is better than perfect”. Don’t let fear of getting started put you off.

Money Myth 2: Childcare owners can’t make a profit

This one always makes me laugh, because my business is testament to the fact that you most certainly can make a profit! Don’t be intimidated by the money talk around childcare. A lot of the chatter is around the issue that our industry is not valued by many in our society, despite us being a lifeline to families. The recent pandemic highlighted how essential we are (which we all knew!). But the debate as to whether we’re profitable is nonsense.

You can have a successful childcare business that brings in a profit. It takes hard work, effort and planning, but it is definitely achievable. I’m working with a number of childcare business owners – my Childcare Ninjas! – helping them scale up and grow their businesses to become even more profitable.

Money Myth 3: Hard to keep up

Funnily enough, this money myth is a teensy bit true. Yes, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with changing policies and legislation. I could probably dedicate an entire year to reading documents and keeping up with current practice. And of course all the regulations are essential so we have to keep on top of it all.

However, when you’re savvy and have a great team around you, you can split the training sessions between you and share the knowledge when you get back. You can sign up to emails that will keep you up to date, and you can join networks with other childcare businesses. There’s also a great Facebook group I’ve heard about, for Childcare Ninjas like you 😉

Tips for battling the money myths

Over the years I’ve been running my own childcare business, I’ve discovered some ways that you can combat the money myths out there! Here are a few tips to help you on your childcare business journey.

Firstly, surround yourself with encouragers and people who support your dreams. It’s so much easier when you’ve got like-minded people giving you motivation and rallying around you. It’s also important that you can trust them and know that they have faith in your abilities. There’s nothing worse than constantly having to second guess yourself because of negative comments about things that you didn’t ask for an opinion on.

Be wise with your money

Second, y’all know I love systematizing, so you won’t be surprised to hear me say this! So here goes: Get yourself some systems that help you manage your business better. This will save you time and money to invest elsewhere in your childcare business. When you’re more organized and things are streamlined, you can budget better.

Next, I’d like to encourage you to invest in yourself. With the savings you make on time and with budgeting better via systems, you should put that towards bettering yourself. Learning never goes out of fashion! And educating yourself and self development is never a waste of money. Whether that’s additional childcare training or a business diploma, the decision to prioritize YOU as a business owner is pivotal to your success!

My last tip is that you get help with finance. I’m not talking about loans and borrowing money (although if you’re going to do that, make sure it’s ethical and in your best interests! Steer clear of sharks). No, I mean getting your head straight when it comes to finance. Take time to get some money mindset coaching, and another idea is to learn how to do your own accounts.

I hope you’ve found this blog super helpful. If you have, share it with a friend!

Also, if you appreciated the tips in this post, there are plenty more over ideas and inspiration over in the Childcare Ninja Facebook group! We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!

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