Hey Ninja!

I believe in every great business is a great entrepreneur, and I believe that every successful entrepreneur is as a result of a story. This is something that empowered and equipped them with the relentless drive and never give up attitude that took them straight to the top! Now… this doesn’t need to be something big, it can be a moment. A moment that I am guessing you have experienced and that is why you are here, where you decided that this is not the way you want your life to play out. Let me tell you a little about my moment…

I started Sweet Dreams Childcare out of my home in 2006 with the hopes of being able to sustain my four daughters with a little additional income.  At the time I was working full time as an administrative assistant at a small church and while I loved my job, like lots of single mothers, it was a struggle to make ends meet.

So, I decided to start offering night time and overnight childcare in my own home in October of ‘06. Two months later I was let go of her position at the church and was stuck trying to figure out how to financially maintain my household.

That was the moment I decided that my last position was officially my LAST J-O-B.  I had always been a hard worker but from that day forward I made a promise to myself that I would no longer work for someone else. I am now the BOSS. This was my magical moment, Ninja! That moment you decide.. enough is enough!

At the time I started off with only a few clients. I thought to myself…. Is there a way that I can offer my childcare services in a unique way that can really set me apart from others, ensuring that my clients are happy but in a way that makes me money!  So along came the concept of offering 24-hour childcare services from my home.

There were few to none in my area and people were beginning to buzz about my evening services. Up went the flyers, some advertising and marketing and wouldn’t you know…over 13 years later, 3 of my 4 daughters have graduated and now I am the proud owner of multiple childcare facilities, making multiple six figures.  

It is my mission to help other women, especially single mothers, find ways to transform their childcare businesses into their own empires so that they too can live a successful life and provide for their families.

I would love to guide and support you to take your business to the next level, so I am offering you a free, no strings attached 30-minute discovery call to get to know you better, understand where your business is right now and what your big vision is! These things are so important to get super clear on, so I can give you some simple strategies to transform your business exponentially!

I am so excited for you and the journey you are embarking on and I know we will be connecting soon

Love, Nyckie x