If you’ve been wondering when to start your marketing, the time is RIGHT NOW! Don’t wait until you’ve got everything in place to begin telling people about your new venture.
It’s vital that you start spreading the news about your opening and let parents know who you are and why your day care will be awesome.
The time to start marketing is NOW!
A mistake I often see with new childcare business owners is that they are cautious to market their day care. But waiting until you’ve got a license in place is too late! Start right now before all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed.
It’s key that you get your messaging spot on, and that you communicate your unique selling point to potential families. Make a plan and focus your marketing on the places your new clients might be hanging out. Are they spending time online – where? Instagram, TikTok, Facebook or LinkedIn…
So how are you going to start marketing your new childcare biz? Will you create some flyers to drop in your local area and put up posters in local coffee shops and libraries? How about starting to collect email addresses? Have you thought about how you can use email marketing?
Start your email list ASAP
One thing I’ve learned over the last few years is the importance of using the tools at our fingertips to our advantage. And email marketing is a low cost, high return way of communicating with your prospective new clients.
Building an email list is the best way to build a relationship with potential customers in a truly intimate and genuine way. It’s a vital way of connecting because you’re not just a temporary status update on social media; instead you’re landing in their inbox. That’s a special place, Ninja! It’s where their nearest and dearest communicate with them (as well as work!) – so it’s a fairly sacred space to hang out. You just need the key – their email addresses and permission to show up there.
So how do you get people’s email addresses?
Getting an email list started…
You could just ask people for their email addresses and have an “opt-in” for your newsletter. But in my experience, I’ve found that the best way to collect those precious email addresses is to offer something really helpful in return. Because that’s what it is – it’s an exchange.
Create something that they’ll want and they’ll sign up with their email address in order to download it. Once they’ve signed up, you can connect deeper with a fantastic nurture sequence. And you can get started on creating your waitlist right away, telling them all your news!
Bring them on the journey with you
You can send out regular emails keeping your potential parents informed about where you’re at. By bringing them on the journey with you, you’ll make them feel part of something special. Share the milestones of your path to opening, like renting your space, or getting approval. Show them your designs for the space and let them watch as it comes to life.
Talk about how excited you are for what’s to come and your plans for the future. Keep them in the loop so they know when you’re likely to open your doors.
Keep it fresh
Something that many businesses forget – not just childcare ones! – is to send out a kinda “Hey! Are you still interested in hearing from us?” message on the regular. This is an opportunity to refresh your list and encourage unsubscribes. Because you don’t want hundreds of people on there who’ve got no interest in your daycare and are negatively impacting your open rate. You want a list – no matter how small! – of engaged people eagerly waiting in anticipation of you opening up!
Keep communicating
I’d recommend sending out an email at least once a month to your subscribers. That way you are keeping them up to date and be well on the way to start your marketing properly once you get your license!
Don’t be afraid to tell them about challenges or share frustrations as well as the exciting bits. Being open and honest in your initial emails demonstrates what you will be like to work with. It shows your values!
A really great way of building your relationships with these potential future clients is asking their opinion on things. What would they like to see in your space? What extra services might they be interested in? Have they got any food preferences? Of course you can’t accommodate everything but it’s a way of engaging them and making them feel part of the process.
Start your marketing with the right mindset
Mindset is something that comes up all the time with my childcare coachees. Often they tell me they don’t feel ready to market – even when everything seems like it’s in place. So I encourage them to start before they’re ready!
I believe that language matters so I correct them when they tell me “if I get my license…” or “if I’m able to get clients”. I remind them about how important it is to use positive language to help adjust our mindsets. So I explain that they need to replace “if” with “when”. “When I get my license” and “When I get my clients” sounds so much more affirming. I’ve written more about mindset here.
In the bundle you’ll find copy you can swipe for your funnel and templates for the lead magnet itself!! Plus videos that demonstrate how to do it all in an easy and accessible way. I’ll show you everything you need to start your marketing RIGHT NOW so you’re ready for WHEN you open!
And if you want MORE, marketing is one of the trainings we cover in detail inside The Childcare Flip Course. I’ll be teaching you how to formulate your PMM (Premier Marketing Message) to set yourself apart in the childcare industry and become irreplaceable. As well as harnessing your passion, skills and expertise to create your Premier Marketing Message. You’ll learn how to strategically build your network and get free marketing. Want in?!
We’ll be opening up for the next cohort next week! So I’m sharing the link here for you to take a look and get ready to learn how to BUY BACK YOUR TIME Ninja!
Did you know you can also catch my live trainings on Thursday nights over in my free Facebook group?! Join us in there and get connected with other childcare owners. Every week we’ll move your childcare business forward by with tips and ideas! Hang out with like-minded and aspirational day care owners as well as resources and tips for success from me! Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tonnes of other stuff there too.
We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!
These last few months I’ve been thinking about marketing pitfalls that I come across in the Childcare business. There’s so many! Sounds like bad news, right?!
Wrong! These marketing pitfalls are super easy to overcome, so don’t panic!
Have a read of these 4 most common mistakes I see childcare businesses making in their marketing, and then if you know you need a helping hand, I’d love you to register for my FREE upcoming Masterclass “The Childcare Flip MasterClass!”. In that class I’ll be diving deeper into the pitfalls and how to avoid them. I got you, Ninja!
Anyway, here’s some of the things that you need to avoid doing in your childcare business marketing:
Thinking too small
Childcare Ninjas, it’s time to stop thinking your childcare business is too small. Size does not matter when it comes to childcare! Stop believing the lie that you’re too small to contend with the other day cares in your area, especially the larger chain centers.
It is a negative mindset and false belief that tells you: ”Will people really want what I’ve got to offer?”. Stop listening to that voice when it says: “I’m just an in-home daycare! How on earth am I supposed to compete with a massive daycare center?! One that has all the fancy gadgets and latest kit?”
Instead, position it in a way where it will pique your ideal client’s interest! Here’s your permission to brag about what makes your biz unique! Do kids get to eat your home-grown veggies? Do you offer music sessions that enrich your curriculum?! The little touches matter here. It’s time to stop discounting what makes you unique and amazing and start shouting it from the rooftops!
One of the things to start doing so you don’t fall into that pit of ‘marketing or comparison blues’ is look at what you do well and highlight it.
Even if you’re small you can still position and market yourself so you’re set apart and your uniqueness shines bright!
Pretending to be something they’re not
You’d be surprised how many businesses fall into this trap. But it’s all because of the comparisonitis childcare business owners get, as highlighted in my first point! They worry they’re not good enough or big enough and then try to market themselves as something they are not.
I’ve seen it plenty of times where a home daycare biz owner puts out messaging that builds expectations they can’t possibly meet. From stock images on social media posts and leaflets to language that insinuates a huge corporate company – it doesn’t matter how. What’s important is showing your true colors in your marketing.
People love to buy from people, and they want to get to know you. They also love supporting small, so why wouldn’t they want a more intimate experience for their babies?
So stop pretending and start telling the world who you really are!
Not asking for help
Something I witness time and time again is this “I’m a strong independent woman” mantra from Childcare business owners. I am absolutely 100% down for being strong and independent, but not to the detriment of my business and my mental health! And not asking for help is often caused by this need to appear strong and independent all the time. Which is – in my humble opinion – unnecessary!
Being strong doesn’t mean keeping going till you reach breaking point with something. Showing strength can look like saying no to the things that don’t serve you or your business. It might be that you show strength by reaching out to a mentor or your peers.
So don’t end up making this common marketing pitfall! Instead ask for help when you need it.
Not having a marketing plan
Hands up if this is you?! Are you doing your marketing on a wing and a prayer? It’s okay, you’re not alone. Many childcare business owners don’t prioritize their marketing, don’t bother making a plan, and then find themselves in a panic!
So take some time to sit down and figure out your marketing plan. Set some goals for your marketing. If getting a waitlist going is a priority, how can you let people know you’re there? Decide what the purpose is to your marketing and go from there. Create a plan that is manageable and sustainable!
Not sure where to go from here?! Never fear, my blog is full of awesome ideas for marketing your childcare business.
Put a plan in place for your marketing! Even in-home daycares need one!
Have you noticed any other marketing pitfalls in the industry? Share them in the comments below!
If you’re looking to sort out your childcare marketing this year, you’re in the right place! I’m hosting a webinar next week which is going to revolutionize how you’re feeling about marketing your childcare biz.
We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming more involved in the community and to grow your business? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too!
Are you wanting to up level your childcare business during 2022? Would you like some super easy ideas on how you can do this?
I can help you take your daycare to the next level by changing up your services to fulfill the needs of your community.
Read on for 4 ways you can do to take things up a notch!
Break free from the status quo
Things feel good right now. You’re comfortable. Your all star team are settled and your waitlist is good. But how does it feel thinking about staying in this place forever? Wouldn’t you feel better about raising your game and stretching your zone of genius a bit?
Playing it safe isn’t always the best option for business. By looking at what your community needs right now and applying that knowledge to your business strategy, you’re setting yourself up for success. So take time now to plan how you can up level your childcare business during 2022. It’s time to say no to the same old services and offer something innovative!
So I’m sharing 4 ways you can change up your childcare offerings to build a more successful childcare business in the new year…
1. Outside of Office Hours
Right now, I’m guessing that your daycare provides a service for parents working a 9-5. You might be open 6am to 6pm or maybe just 8am to 6pm. However that means there’s a huge section of your local families that are missing out on great childcare!
Think about it. There’s nurses and doctors, construction workers and delivery drivers, people working shifts in hospitality… There’s a world of workers that are crying out for high quality care for their precious ones! They’re working outside the typical day, and don’t keep regular working hours which makes life tricky to organize.
Like the gif says, “Care infrastructure is infrastructure”. I wonder if you’ve ever considered starting or adding a 24hr daycare service to your offerings? Or perhaps “night shift” childcare as an opposite offering from the usual opening times you see everywhere. How about having a flexible option that allows parents to buy a chunk of hours and use them to fit in round their shifts? Tricky but not impossible. And by going above and beyond, people rave about your services!
By adding an extra in order to grow your childcare business, you can make a real difference and stand out.
2. Solve transportation issues
Often there’s a barrier to getting kids over to daycare – buses with no routes that early, or not serving in that area… So there’s no way of the child getting from their door to yours, safely. Or perhaps their child finishes kindergarden or school and needs to get from there to you somehow? Whatever the issue, can you think outside the box and offer a service that meets their need?
Why not look into solving that problem – whatever it may be – and offer a solution?! Could you collaborate with someone local who has transportation to collect the children? Perhaps a child friendly and licensed taxi service could join forces with you to bridge that gap? Or maybe you have a minivan and plenty of space to transport kids from one place to another!
Families are always so grateful for the kindness and consideration, and will happily pay you to keep their babies safe and secure!
3. Look into event childcare
Now that the world is opening up again and we’ve all started venturing to events, it might be time for you to start thinking about the skills and services you can offer to the venues and hosts of big events.
Because at the end of the day, no one wants this kind of situation do they?! Better to have them playing safely with a childcare worker in another room.
After opening my home daycare, I ventured into event childcare and it is still working fabulously for me! I started out helping families out at weddings – I cared for their babies so they could enjoy the special celebration. Then it turned into other events – college reunions, fairs, funerals, conferences…
You can look into working for families, or make links with venues to be their go-to childcare at any events they put on.
4. Use your venue wisely
If you have a daycare space that isn’t your home, you might want to consider hiring it out at the weekends. Depending on your space and the set up, there are a few options here!
Could you offer it out on Saturdays and Sundays for early years birthday parties? Parents are always looking for good value rooms to hire to host parties in. Safe spaces they know are suitable for little people and their needs – baby changing areas, age-appropriate equipment etc. You might even want to add in the cost of a member of staff so someone’s on hand to take care of things.
Or could you look at hiring it out for fundraising events? And if you have a larger hall space, there are people who’d snap up a meeting room for their community group activities perhaps in the evenings too. In these cases it’s usually just a payment and key situation, so less involvement and easier to manage!
If your space is sat empty on the weekends or evenings, why not add this additional service?!
What do you think? Is it time to up level your childcare business during 2022?
I go into more detail in my latest video! Join me as I take a look at some ideas to niche down your childcare business and unleash success in 2022. Pull up a chair, grab a notebook and hold on tight because it’s go, time Ninja! Watch the latest episode on Youtube video here:
Speaking of being next year…have you started planning for 2022 yet?! I’ve got just the thing to give you a head start! This is no ordinary paper planner. It’s specifically designed with Childcare Business owners in mind. Because I got sick of having to tweak the ones aimed at other industries!
And because I know a planner is zero use without accountability, I’ve added an accountability piece to my new and improved Nyckie B’s 2022 Childcare Business Planner System!
Even with all the planning in the world, being a home daycare provider can sometimes feel lonely and overwhelming. Getting connected with other childcare owners is a game changer! Gain strategies and tips to move your childcare business forward by joining a community! That’s why I set up my Facebook group, where you can hang out with like-minded and aspirational daycare owners. Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be!
Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too. We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!
Often when I talk about branding, people conjure up images of their logo. They think of the color palette of their website. But branding is more than just the colors you use, it’s the ‘personality’ of your business. It encompasses your personal and business values, your mission, the service you want to offer and – most importantly – how you want your customers to feel.
I was chatting with my daughter earlier this week about the fact that sometimes people will forget a daycare name but they’ll remember the owners. While a name may be forgotten they remember the WHO – the “Who” that runs that business. And if they had a positive experience, they’ll remember how they FELT.
One of the ways you can help them remember the experience of being in your daycare – whether that’s for a tour or once they’re moving on – is making it sensory. And that’s what I’m focusing on in today’s blog and over on my YouTube “Monday Moves“. Read on!
Using your five senses to up your branding game
You’ve got an opportunity to really hit your clients and potential clients in all their sensory areas with your branding!Ad agencies and marketing businesses have been talking about this for a while. Sensory branding (also known as multisensory marketing) is proving to be a very effective way to captivate your audience. This can be a marvellous way to make your childcare brand unforgettable.
The reason it’s so impactful is that some people love looking at visuals, while others prefer audio, and then you’ve got others who are attracted to touch or smell. All these sensory preferences can be utilized in your marketing. You can grab their attention by creating products and services that tap into their sensory leanings. It’s all about enhancing your customer experience.
Sight and visual branding
Think about the experience you want your families to have in your care. What do you want to be remembered for? If you’re all about the fun and your personality is loud and proud, why wouldn’t you want your daycare to be the same? Let your personality shine through! Use color and materials to liven up the visual experience! Or if you’re a kinda zen individual whose whole being is about calm and meditation, let that come out in your decor.
Use light – from windows or from lamps – to make your daycare a feast for the imagination. Drape fabric from the ceilings to create a different look. Use mirrors to enhance the space and stimulate play!
And while we’re talking about visuals…I know I said logos aren’t the be-all and end-all, BUT…
Are you making sure your visual branding is on everything you do? You want people to remember you and your business. Ensure that your logo is on all your signs and posters. Put it on any window stickers you might have displayed. If you or the kids wear uniforms, is the color on-brand? Is your logo on the kit? Think about giving your children a special branded daycare tote or book-bag. This is essentially free advertising because they’re carrying it all round town before and after their day with you!
Make sure that your logo is on all your communications – paper or digital. Use it in your email signature (tutorial here!). Is the logo on your header image of your social media? Do you use your logo and brand colors on things you share online?
Smell in your branding
Okay, I know this might sound a little weird. Bear with me! But y’all know that real estate agents often bake cookies in the homes they’re trying to sell, so why don’t we do this kinda thing too?!
When you consider the practical smells of a day care – diapers, concoctions of mealtimes, and all that jazz – you might want to think about the smell of your daycare. This is particularly important for visits, but branding your daycare smell matters all the time! You don’t want parents to be gasping for breath when they leave the space. Wouldn’t it be lovely for them to walk in and be given a totally sensory experience of a diffuser with essential oils that soothe the soul? It might also have a positive impact on the kids too! I know I love to walk into my daycare and breathe in whatever delights are in the diffuser each morning!
Taste in your branding
Speaking of baking…Imagine you’re taking your families on a tour around your daycare and having cookies to takeaway with your logo on!? You want to be remembered, and people remember what they’ve tasted.
You can get personalized branded candy or you could do it on a budget, by bulk buying penny sweets and putting them in a pretty bag with a logo sticker on! Or if you’re really focusing on healthy eating, have fruit with your stickers on! Bottles of water with your daycare name on work really well too!
Making your business memorable is what it’s about!
Touch in your branding
Have pens or pencils and other promotional items that you can put your business logo on. Whether you purchase these or DIY, using things they touch and hold to help people remember your childcare business is a great idea!
Parents can take these away, and will be signing checks or writing notes in meetings and someone might notice and ask them about your daycare. Being at the forefront of their minds is helpful when they’re in the process of decision-making where to send their precious kids off while they go to work. If you’ve made the parents feel amazing, and they’ve got something to physically hold and remember you by, they’re more likely to call you up and book on!
Sound in your branding
Don’t panic, I’m not suggesting you go and have a jingle made for the local radio station (anyone else now got Smelly Cat stuck in their head?). What I mean is using sound to enhance the sensory experience of your daycare. People tend to associate darcares with a screechy sound track of nursery rhymes that hark back to the 1980s. So why not think about what music fits the vibe of your daycare?
Think about your own favorite shopping experiences. What music do you hear in those places? Why does it feel good? And then consider how you want your kids and families to feel in your very own daycare centers. Perhaps your could play something that fits the theme? Ambient jungle sounds or rainforest background noise. Or maybe some calming Mozart? Or perhaps you love music from your country of origin and want that to be what people remember.
And of course YOU!
Let’s not forget what I said at the start. YOU are your brand. I think it’s important that you’re “branded” and visible in your local community so that both get associated with each other. I run into that a lot. People will say to me, “Oh yeah Miss Nyckie’s day care! I remember that place” and even though they may have forgotten the venue’s name they remember me and the way I made them feel!
So do make sure you get yourself out there and known in your community and be your brand! Branding isn’t just your childcare venue but it covers you too!
How do you feel about your current daycare branding? Are you utilizing all the sensory experiences you could be? I’d love to chat with you over in the Facebook group about it!
If you want to hang out with like-minded and aspirational childcare business owners, come and get involved in the community over on Facebook! Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too. We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!
As Childcare Business owners we need to create all kinds of documents for the everyday running of our daycares. That might be important registration forms, rotas, meal planners, or simply printables for the kids. But wouldn’t it be great to know how to uplevel your childcare business documents right now?
Now, y’all know I’m not the most tech savvy Childcare Business owner in the universe, but there’s one particular tool that I use that has helped me raise my game!
In this blog I’m going to share with you how I’ve revolutionized and completely simplified my document creating process. Only read on if you’re ready to simplify your life!
What are you talking about, Nyckie?
Okay, okay. So I probably ought to tell you what the tool is! It’s Canva! It’s is an amazing tool. And this week I wanted to talk about how this brilliant tool can help you in your business.
It’s not usually what I do in these blogs but when I was chatting to some other Childcare Ninjas last month, it was clear that not everyone knows about it. I guess most of the time we’re too busy to explore the range of amazing resources right at our fingertips. It’s made a huge impact on my childcare business and I want to help you do the same. And it’s so powerful knowing about the different tech tools that can level up your business in so many exciting ways.
(And, just so we’re clear – this isn’t an #ad and there’s no affiliate links! I just LOVE this tool so much and needed to make sure y’all know about it!!)
Simple way to uplevel childcare business documents
When someone first told me about Canva a couple of years ago, I was like, “no way! I’m not a designer! I won’t be able to do this!” And I still can’t believe that I’ve been using it to create all sorts of things for my businesses since. Me?! It still makes me laugh!
What I love about Canva is that it’s a tool that is so simple to use. It’s been created by designers but is super simple to use. Which makes it ideal for those non-designers like me and you! So it’s perfect if you don’t consider yourself tech savvy or creative this Canva is definitely the design tool for you!
It’s intuitive and laid out in a way that makes sense. (Unlike so many other tool I’ve tried – I’m looking at you, Photoshop!)
Save time while leveling up!
When you’re caught up in the daily stress of running a childcare business, who’s got time to be searching for tools?! Well, that’s why I thought I’d tell you about Canva. Here are just a few of the ways it can save you time!
You can create a “Brand Kit” with all your colors and fonts, so you don’t have to search for the exact match each time. You can save your logo in there and drop it onto all the things you design. (They’ve also got amazing advice on how to do your own branding.)
Once you’ve created something, you can duplicate it with one click and adapt your creation to the next thing. No more cutting and pasting into boring PDFs or Word documents.
There’s tonnes and tonnes of templates ready for you to use and alter. Want a schedule of activities for your families? You got it! Need a new brochure for marketing? Here ya go. Not sure what to share on your social media? Get inspiration here. And that’s before we even get to the documents we need to use on a daily basis for running our businesses: invoices, ID cards, sign off sheets, checklists…you name it!
We haven’t got time to waste on creating things from scratch every time! Honestly, it’s a total game changer! Go on, give it a try.
Tech doesn’t have to be pricey
Back when I first set up my Childcare Business, it was impossible to get good design without spending hours learning to use a complicated (and clunky!) tool that cost a fortune, before caving in out of frustration and trying to find a vaguely affordable graphic designer.
Well it’s all changed now! We’ve been blessed with this fantastic tool and we should all be making the most of it! Canva has an extensive FREE package so you can get started without spending a penny. And the paid version doesn’t cost anywhere near as much as you might think. By using a tool like this you can uplevel childcare business documents simply and quickly.
For less than your weekly take-out coffee, you can have gorgeous designs for your business! So it’s great for new businesses who’ve got a tight budget. Have a look here for other ways to save money when you start your childcare business.
Get creative
Honestly, the world is your oyster when it comes to designing stuff! It’s a tool we use in both my Childcare Business and with Childcare Ninjas. You can use it to create all sorts like your documents, forms, printables, kids activities and reward certificates, through to your marketing materials. I’m not kidding when I say this is the best way to uplevel childcare business documents. I am so grateful to have this tool!
You can actually have bucket-loads of fun getting creative and designing everything for your Childcare Business. There’s gifs and stickers, meme makers and video templates too, so you can think outside the box and really make your business stand out! And there’s templates for personal things too – Christmas cards, planners, invitations and even T-shirts! All. The. Things!
I hope you’ve found this blog super helpful. If you have, share it with a friend!
Also, if you liked this, I wonder whether you’ve found the Childcare Ninja Facebook group yet? We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!