If you’ve been wondering when to start your marketing, the time is RIGHT NOW! Don’t wait until you’ve got everything in place to begin telling people about your new venture.
It’s vital that you start spreading the news about your opening and let parents know who you are and why your day care will be awesome.
The time to start marketing is NOW!
A mistake I often see with new childcare business owners is that they are cautious to market their day care. But waiting until you’ve got a license in place is too late! Start right now before all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed.
It’s key that you get your messaging spot on, and that you communicate your unique selling point to potential families. Make a plan and focus your marketing on the places your new clients might be hanging out. Are they spending time online – where? Instagram, TikTok, Facebook or LinkedIn…
So how are you going to start marketing your new childcare biz? Will you create some flyers to drop in your local area and put up posters in local coffee shops and libraries? How about starting to collect email addresses? Have you thought about how you can use email marketing?
Start your email list ASAP
One thing I’ve learned over the last few years is the importance of using the tools at our fingertips to our advantage. And email marketing is a low cost, high return way of communicating with your prospective new clients.
Building an email list is the best way to build a relationship with potential customers in a truly intimate and genuine way. It’s a vital way of connecting because you’re not just a temporary status update on social media; instead you’re landing in their inbox. That’s a special place, Ninja! It’s where their nearest and dearest communicate with them (as well as work!) – so it’s a fairly sacred space to hang out. You just need the key – their email addresses and permission to show up there.
So how do you get people’s email addresses?
Getting an email list started…
You could just ask people for their email addresses and have an “opt-in” for your newsletter. But in my experience, I’ve found that the best way to collect those precious email addresses is to offer something really helpful in return. Because that’s what it is – it’s an exchange.
Create something that they’ll want and they’ll sign up with their email address in order to download it. Once they’ve signed up, you can connect deeper with a fantastic nurture sequence. And you can get started on creating your waitlist right away, telling them all your news!
Bring them on the journey with you
You can send out regular emails keeping your potential parents informed about where you’re at. By bringing them on the journey with you, you’ll make them feel part of something special. Share the milestones of your path to opening, like renting your space, or getting approval. Show them your designs for the space and let them watch as it comes to life.
Talk about how excited you are for what’s to come and your plans for the future. Keep them in the loop so they know when you’re likely to open your doors.
Keep it fresh
Something that many businesses forget – not just childcare ones! – is to send out a kinda “Hey! Are you still interested in hearing from us?” message on the regular. This is an opportunity to refresh your list and encourage unsubscribes. Because you don’t want hundreds of people on there who’ve got no interest in your daycare and are negatively impacting your open rate. You want a list – no matter how small! – of engaged people eagerly waiting in anticipation of you opening up!
Keep communicating
I’d recommend sending out an email at least once a month to your subscribers. That way you are keeping them up to date and be well on the way to start your marketing properly once you get your license!
Don’t be afraid to tell them about challenges or share frustrations as well as the exciting bits. Being open and honest in your initial emails demonstrates what you will be like to work with. It shows your values!
A really great way of building your relationships with these potential future clients is asking their opinion on things. What would they like to see in your space? What extra services might they be interested in? Have they got any food preferences? Of course you can’t accommodate everything but it’s a way of engaging them and making them feel part of the process.
Start your marketing with the right mindset
Mindset is something that comes up all the time with my childcare coachees. Often they tell me they don’t feel ready to market – even when everything seems like it’s in place. So I encourage them to start before they’re ready!
I believe that language matters so I correct them when they tell me “if I get my license…” or “if I’m able to get clients”. I remind them about how important it is to use positive language to help adjust our mindsets. So I explain that they need to replace “if” with “when”. “When I get my license” and “When I get my clients” sounds so much more affirming. I’ve written more about mindset here.
The Childcare Flip Business Marketing Bundle has everything for you to use to start your marketing to get more clients ready and waiting for you when you open.
We’ll be opening up for the next cohort next week! So I’m sharing the link here for you to take a look and get ready to learn how to BUY BACK YOUR TIME Ninja!