Breathe life back into your childcare business for 2022

Breathe life back into your childcare business for 2022

This week I want to talk about that feeling you get when everything is weighing you down and you’re considering closing your daycare. How do you breathe life back into your childcare business when it feels hopeless?

Don’t worry, Ninja, I got you! There have been several moments during my 15 years running multiple childcares when I’ve gotten overwhelmed, and had a load of bad luck, and then felt like throwing in the towel. But I’m still here! And nowadays I’m teaching other women how to thrive too!

So, how can you revive your passion for your childcare business again? How can you fall back in love with it and make it work better for you, with less stress and more success?

I’m gonna help you figure this out by sharing some tips which will keep your business going, even when you feel like giving up.

Why do we sometimes feel like giving up?

My goodness. It sometimes can feel hugely overwhelming running your own business and when you throw in the additional stresses of a pandemic, families struggling, and a lack of community, it’s not surprising many of us have felt this way!

feel like giving up

Maybe you’ve had some emails that haven’t felt good, or a team member drop out, or a supplier let you down… It’s all A LOT, right?! And it’s hard because we don’t talk about this enough! We are constantly reminded that running a childcare business isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, is it?! Sometimes we just need space to discuss our issues and press reset.

You have such a huge impact on the local community and are a lifeline for some families. You being open supports the families of your team. It’s a lot of responsibility. But it can be such a struggle! Sometimes the journey can feel super lonely. It can be extremely frustrating. There’s sometimes a feeling that things have stagnated and you are a bit bored.

So here’s a few tips for how you can breathe life back into your childcare business. I’ve created a method called CPR for your childcare business especially for you! Let’s go, Ninja!

Connect the dots

Before you start panicking, shoving a “closed” sign up, and putting all your childcare stuff on ebay, you need to take a deep breath. Yes, sometimes it is HARD. Often it’s tricky to juggle it all. But once upon a time, this was your dream business and there’s no reason why it can’t be again!

So let’s reconnect the dots! What was your original dream around being a childcare business owner? What was your why?! Does that still resonate now?

connect the dots

Most of the time we assume we know what we are missing in our business, what we ought to be doing… but we haven’t really done an audit and investigated fully.  Instead, we find ourselves running round in circles after shiny objects, like new tools or apps.

And without actually sitting down and taking stock of all this stuff, to actually look at connecting the dots of where we are and how we want things to be, it can be a waste to chase those ‘hacks’. By taking time to dive in deeper you’ll see what you really need vs. what you assume you need. You’ll notice where there are gaps in your processes and what actually needs to be done.

Plan for success

Create a plan for what you actually need to get the results you want to see. Sometimes we’ve been so long working INSIDE our childcare businesses that we lose sight of the bigger picture. Take some time to zoom out and remember what it is we’re wanting to achieve.

make a plan

Look at the legacy you want to leave behind. How are you going to make that happen? Consider switching things up a little in your plan. Remember that it’s okay to change your mind from the original plan you had all those years ago.

Revise your strategies

So you’ve looked at the bigger picture and has some time to reflect on what you really want… Now it’s time to put together a strategy to help you achieve your goals. What are all the little steps – the tactics – you’ve got to take to get there? Perhaps it’s automation, perhaps it’s training, or perhaps it’s something else!

Once you’ve got these listed out, you’ll be able to see that your childcare business is not beyond resurrection. In fact far from it. You’ve just got to reignite that passion inside you again.

You can watch this week’s YouTube video all about how to resurrect your childcare business right now!

Reach out and breathe life back into your childcare business!

Earlier on I mentioned loneliness and frustration, and these things are rarely remedied when you continue working all by yourself. Your team can’t fully comprehend the weight of responsibility on your shoulders or the burden of running a childcare business. So what can you do to feel better?

I have EXACTLY what you need! I have a community of like-minded childcare business owners who GET IT! They know where you’re at, and totally understand that feeling of “what’s the point?!” But they’ve got through it TOGETHER. Come join us, share the burden and find some joy and reciprocity over in my free Facebook group.

Getting connected with other childcare owners is a HUGE game changer!

Gain strategies and tips to move your childcare business forward by joining a community! That’s why I set up my Facebook group, where you can hang out with like-minded and aspirational daycare owners. Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too. We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!

childcare ninjas logo 2020

4 Easy ways to up level your childcare business during 2022

4 Easy ways to up level your childcare business during 2022

Are you wanting to up level your childcare business during 2022? Would you like some super easy ideas on how you can do this?

I can help you take your daycare to the next level by changing up your services to fulfill the needs of your community.

Read on for 4 ways you can do to take things up a notch!

Break free from the status quo

Things feel good right now. You’re comfortable. Your all star team are settled and your waitlist is good. But how does it feel thinking about  staying in this place forever? Wouldn’t you feel better about raising your game and stretching your zone of genius a bit?

Playing it safe isn’t always the best option for business. By looking at what your community needs right now and applying that knowledge to your business strategy, you’re setting yourself up for success. So take time now to plan how you can up level your childcare business during 2022. It’s time to say no to the same old services and offer something innovative!

So I’m sharing 4 ways you can change up your childcare offerings to build a more successful childcare business in the new year…

1. Outside of Office Hours

Right now, I’m guessing that your daycare provides a service for parents working a 9-5. You might be open 6am to 6pm or maybe just 8am to 6pm. However that means there’s a huge section of your local families that are missing out on great childcare!

Think about it. There’s nurses and doctors, construction workers and delivery drivers, people working shifts in hospitality… There’s a world of workers that are crying out for high quality care for their precious ones! They’re working outside the typical day, and don’t keep regular working hours which makes life tricky to organize.

Like the gif says, “Care infrastructure is infrastructure”. I wonder if you’ve ever considered starting or adding a 24hr daycare service to your offerings? Or perhaps “night shift” childcare as an opposite offering from the usual opening times you see everywhere. How about having a flexible option that allows parents to buy a chunk of hours and use them to fit in round their shifts? Tricky but not impossible. And by going above and beyond, people rave about your services!

By adding an extra in order to grow your childcare business, you can make a real difference and stand out.

2. Solve transportation issues

Often there’s a barrier to getting kids over to daycare – buses with no routes that early, or not serving in that area… So there’s no way of the child getting from their door to yours, safely. Or perhaps their child finishes kindergarden or school and needs to get from there to you somehow? Whatever the issue, can you think outside the box and offer a service that meets their need?

Why not look into solving that problem – whatever it may be – and offer a solution?! Could you collaborate with someone local who has transportation to collect the children? Perhaps a child friendly and licensed taxi service could join forces with you to bridge that gap? Or maybe you have a minivan and plenty of space to transport kids from one place to another!

Families are always so grateful for the kindness and consideration, and will happily pay you to keep their babies safe and secure!

3. Look into event childcare

Now that the world is opening up again and we’ve all started venturing to events, it might be time for you to start thinking about the skills and services you can offer to the venues and hosts of big events.

Because at the end of the day, no one wants this kind of situation do they?! Better to have them playing safely with a childcare worker in another room.

After opening my home daycare, I ventured into event childcare and it is still working fabulously for me! I started out helping families out at weddings – I cared for their babies so they could enjoy the special celebration. Then it turned into other events – college reunions, fairs, funerals, conferences…

You can look into working for families, or make links with venues to be their go-to childcare at any events they put on.

4. Use your venue wisely

If you have a daycare space that isn’t your home, you might want to consider hiring it out at the weekends. Depending on your space and the set up, there are a few options here!

Could you offer it out on Saturdays and Sundays for early years birthday parties? Parents are always looking for good value rooms to hire to host parties in. Safe spaces they know are suitable for little people and their needs – baby changing areas, age-appropriate equipment etc. You might even want to add in the cost of a member of staff so someone’s on hand to take care of things.

Or could you look at hiring it out for fundraising events? And if you have a larger hall space, there are people who’d snap up a meeting room for their community group activities perhaps in the evenings too. In these cases it’s usually just a payment and key situation, so less involvement and easier to manage!

If your space is sat empty on the weekends or evenings, why not add this additional service?!

What do you think? Is it time to up level your childcare business during 2022?

I go into more detail in my latest video! Join me as I take a look at some ideas to niche down your childcare business and unleash success in 2022.  Pull up a chair, grab a notebook and hold on tight because it’s go, time Ninja! Watch the latest episode on Youtube video here:



Speaking of being next year…have you started planning for 2022 yet?! I’ve got just the thing to give you a head start! This is no ordinary paper planner. It’s specifically designed with Childcare Business owners in mind. Because I got sick of having to tweak the ones aimed at other industries!

And because I know a planner is zero use without accountability, I’ve added an accountability piece to my new and improved Nyckie B’s 2022 Childcare Business Planner System! 

Pre-order yours now ——–> here!

Even with all the planning in the world, being a home daycare provider can sometimes feel lonely and overwhelming. Getting connected with other childcare owners is a game changer! Gain strategies and tips to move your childcare business forward by joining a community! That’s why I set up my Facebook group, where you can hang out with like-minded and aspirational daycare owners. Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be!

Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too. We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!

childcare ninjas logo 2020

How to Create Childcare Staff Policies that don’t make you feel like a Warden!

How to Create Childcare Staff Policies that don’t make you feel like a Warden!

Do you sometimes feel like some sort of prison warden inside your childcare business? If you’re nodding, I’d imagine it’s because you are lacking in robust Staff Policies. Yikes!

So this week’s theme is all about how you can create policies that help your business but also ensure that your All Star team are supported.

What’s happening in your childcare business?

Instead of focusing on being the best leader you can, you’ve more often than not found yourself wagging your fingers or yelling orders at your team because you’re too busy.

And sometimes you’ve done the polar opposite – being such a “friend” that nobody on your team is listening to a word you say.  Neither of these situations is sustainable, or practical and I very much doubt that they’ll produce the positive results you desire for your childcare business to thrive.

Where are you at on this scale? What policies do you have in place already and where are the gaps?

Think about the behaviours of your team

What are the behaviours you’re seeing in your daycare that you’d like to see less of? Have you got policies in place to deal with this? Have you discussed the issue? Make sure you officially address the behaviour you don’t want to see in the workplace. Be matter of fact. This is not about laying blame, it’s about looking for solutions. If this is an expectation that keeps falling behind, you probably need to have a proper policy in place. You might even need to do some training.

So when you’re starting to write your staff policies, think about which behaviours would you like to see.  And when you publish your policy and hand it out to your team, ask for feedback about whether they feel they might need training on any of the points that come up. Do they want individual conversations or a whole team training?

Create staff policies that work for everyone

I know it might be controversial, but I don’t believe the staff policies you put in place should be about control. For me, it’s about developing policies that ensure my business can thrive. But it’s also about putting measures in place that help my team understand and feel understood.

Have you got really clear job descriptions for each of your team members? And have they all seen what their role requires (since their interview!)? Do they know what they should be doing when the children are having naps? Have they got all the info they need to perform to the best of their ability? Or are your policies all a bit muddled? Let’s make sure there’s clarity all round!

Do an environment audit

Is the daycare space impacting on your staff behaviour? Take a look around the whole space. Are there particular places where the behaviours you’re not a fan of are happening? Is there anything you can do to change the room around that might help improve behaviour?

It sounds silly but sometimes it can be something as simple as creating a more open space so that your team know you can see them. Or perhaps they don’t feel they can leave their belongings anywhere safe. Meaning they carry their phones in their pockets as it makes them feel more secure. Could you invest in staff lockers?

Why you need to hold space for your staff

It’s the goal of most childcare business owners to grow an all star team and we want to build teams who follow our policies so we don’t have to be a warden in our centers. Sometimes we have to also consider the emotional aspect of working with others and use that to help our staff feel and be their best.
Imagine one of your team members keeps checking their phone a lot. This goes against your policy but behind the scenes they’ve got a challenging situation going on at home. By getting to know your staff and knowing a bit about them and their interests outside of the workplace will help you have a better understanding of what’s happening.
This means you’ll be able to treat them as a whole human not just as an employee. We do tend to bring our home life to work – it’s the nature of the game! So by creating an environment where your team feels supported is the best strategy. That way, they can talk to you about what’s going on in their personal life because that something may be having an impact on  their job. 

So as you create your staff policies, while also serving your clients and protecting your business, do make sure you hold space for your team too!

Watch this weeks Nyckie’s Monday Moves Youtube where I’m diving into the process of creating childcare staff policies. Ones that will help you get the results needed for that ALL STAR TEAM your childcare business deserves.  Check it out here:

As promised here is this week’s FREE resource to help you create staffing policies that produce the desired results from your All Star Team. ENJOY… 👉🏽 👉🏽👉🏽 CLICK HERE FOR THE FREEBIE

Listen, I know that sometimes being a home daycare provider can feel lonely and overwhelming. Getting connected with other childcare owners can really be a game changer to help you gain strategies and tips to move your daycare business forward.

That’s why I set up my community over on Facebook, where you can hang out with like-minded and aspirational daycare owners. Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too. We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!

childcare ninjas logo 2020

How to grow and add value in your Childcare Business

How to grow and add value in your Childcare Business

In this blog, I’m sharing the secret main ingredient to growing your childcare business. Take your home childcare business to a whole new level by making sure you’re adding the value your potential clients are actually seeking. 

You’re already offering a great service to your families and community, but how can you really make your childcare business stand out from the crowd? How are you going to shine above all the others?

One word my lovely Ninja: VALUE!

You’ve got to be going above and beyond in your offerings.

Why do I need to add value?

It’s necessary to do more than just offer the basics. I had to do this right at the start of my journey as a childcare business owner. I looked at serving my community with hours outside the traditional working day childcare hours. By offering unusual hours I was giving value. I filled a need that other people had neglected in their offerings!

add value level up

How will I know what value my clients are looking for?

Hey ninja, keep it simple here! Just ask them! Put out a survey asking if there’s anything the families wish you offered.

Think about the questions that your current clients are asking you. Do you offer weekends? Are you open in the evenings? Pull out the ones that you can fulfil now…and mark ones for the future (when you’ve got more staff or venues).

Don’t be afraid of asking questions on tours of your daycare. “What else would you like to see?” Because you might be able to add it in at a later date when you have capacity. Perhaps music lessons or languages, or a gardening club…whatever it is!

Who else can you help?

Also, it doesn’t hurt to think outside the box. Think about the value you can offer to other businesses or individuals who aren’t your current clients.

add value think outside the box

When I was looking at other services I could offer, I just so happened to be at a wedding. I was looking at the kids running round and it dawned on me that what this wedding needed was a babysitting service! And so I branched into wedding childcare. Which led to an “aha” moment when I realized that if weddings needed childcare services, perhaps other events did too. So I reached out to event management companies. It took off!!

So take a look around your neighborhood. What is missing? Is there anything you could offer to local businesses that could make you stand out as a childcare business?

Make use of your venue.

If you run your childcare business from a center that isn’t your home, you might want to look at hiring out your space at the weekends to local community groups or for birthday parties.

What else could you offer at your specific venue? Is there a local makers market or artists group that needs a space? Or perhaps a sports coach? Helping people in the community adds value to your childcare.

Check out my YouTube video for more tips, where I’m discussing how to add value to your services that will help your childcare business grow. In case you haven’t subscribed to my Youtube channel yet and didn’t know, my videos get released live every Monday. Go ahead over to my Youtube channel and let me know what you think. Of course while you’re there be sure to SUBSCRIBE and don’t forget to snap up whatever FREE resource I’ve put up that week. Enjoy! If you find it helpful, pass on the link to other childcare business owners you know who might find it helpful!

Let me know how it helps you inch closer to becoming a childcare ninja when it comes to childcare business growth.

Sometimes being a home daycare provider can feel lonely and overwhelming so getting connected with other childcare owners can really be a game changer to help you gain strategies and tips to move your childcare business forward. 

That’s why I set up my community over on Facebook, where you can hang out with like-minded and aspirational daycare owners. Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too. We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!

childcare ninjas logo 2020

Grow your wealth – let’s fix up your finances!

Grow your wealth – let’s fix up your finances!

Is it time for you to grow your finances and finally begin building your wealth? One of the reasons I set up Childcare Ninjas – my mission if you will – is that I really want to encourage everyone in this community to become financially literate in their childcare business. I want women like YOU to be bringing in the money you want to make.

For years, money has been a taboo subject – particularly for women – and I want to make sure that doesn’t get in your way! It’s a topic that often makes us feel stressed or uncomfortable, so the more we talk about it the less hush-hush it’ll be.

In this blog I’m going to share with you some of the things you need to consider when it comes to finances. Because when we KNOW, we can GROW!

Why do we need to learn about finances?

Rather than just spending up your check when it comes in, we need to learn what to do to make the money work for us! We want to manoeuvre ourselves into a place where we start to become wealthy, where we don’t just strive but get to thrive financially in our business and our lives.

In order to do that I believe there has to be a learning curve, to seek out the education that shows us how to use our finances in a positive way and be able to continue growing them. Oftentimes that isn’t the information that’s handed down, you need to be purposeful about seeking it out.

Many of us received the opposite, growing up with negative thoughts and ideas about money and wealth. This takes time and effort to unpick and unlearn.

When it comes to finances in business, I was (once upon a time) the kind of person who’d throw all my receipts and invoices in a drawer and “deal with them later”…and then the drawer got all jammed up because it was overflowing with paperwork…I wonder if that’s ringing any bells for you there, Ninja?

The trick when it comes to great financial management is consistency and small, simple systems. This took me so long to figure out, and that is why I am super excited to be giving you this guidance, so you don’t have to waste time figuring it out!

But why do you need to grow your finances?

And the reason this matters is that money is not shared equally across the globe. Nope. Did you know that the world’s richest 1% – those with more than $1 million – own 43.4% of the world’s wealth? And of those, men have more of a share than women, and there is massive inequality in terms of race, language, religion.

So when a load of us women in childcare start growing our businesses and creating WEALTH for us and our communities we are rocking the boat! We are shifting the wealth share and making the lives of people in our areas better! What’s not to love, Ninja?!

I want to encourage each and everyone of us to build our wealth and create overflow and abundance in our lives!

Figure out the language of finance

Part of the reason we shy away from talking about money is that the finance industry bamboozles us with words that we don’t understand. So before you get started with trying to sort out your finances, I’d recommend getting familiar with the language.

There’s absolutely no shame in googling words you don’t recognize or listening to some finance books on audiobook.  You could even reading a paper copy and have a thesaurus handy for any unfamiliar words.

We weren’t taught this stuff in school, so it’s time we took things into our own hands! Let’s grow your finances together!

What do we know about finances already?

Take a minute to sit and figure out what you DO know. You might already know how to pay in checks and cash them, for example. You may be au fait with internet banking. How about pay roll and taxes?

Perhaps you ran a product-based business before you decided to open a daycare, or maybe you were the treasurer for the PTA and kept immaculate records on spreadsheets for the bake sales and jamborees. Whatever your experience, don’t belittle it! You’ve picked up skills over the years and you can flex those muscles again, just in a different way.

Once you know what you DO know, then you can start to look and learn the things you DON’T yet. And it’s okay to admit that we don’t know stuff!!

Time to separate your money

Don’t mingle your money! Especially if you’re an LLC. You need an EIN to set up your own business account. Do it in your name or under a business name – doesn’t matter! But you need it separate. Lots of first time business owners make the mistake of using their day-to-day accounts when they start up, and it just creates utter chaos when you are trying to figure out incomings and outgoings.

Keep it simple. One account for the childcare business, and another for your personal business. Read about the way you can manage finances and the Profit First method here.

Create financial goals to grow your finances

So I know you’re probably familiar with the idea of goal setting – “In 5 years I’d like to have a second daycare”, “In a year I’d like to build an extension onto my current childcare space”, “By the time I’m 40 I want to have a new home, car and at least 30 employees”… And these are great. Being ambitious and stretchy in our goal setting is AWESOME! However, you want to be ultra specific with financial goals.

Make sure you set income goals because you want your business journey to be focused and not meandering all over the place. Attach a number to your goal. For example, “In a years time I want to be bringing in $60,000 so I can build that extension and develop my childcare space”. You don’t wanna travel without a destination!

Break down your financial tasks

Daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. Keep track of receipts, keep track of all incomings and outgoings on a daily basis. Weekly – on a Friday – you can get your financial tasks done (like filing those receipts!). Your accountant will love you for it. Build these tasks into your workflow!

Get some financial help!

I cannot emphasize this enough: get an accountant and a book keeper. They’re not the same thing!

Your accountant can support you with taxes and figuring out your financial journey. I tend to check in with mine and update them on new things I’m doing in case that impacts my taxes. But at the end of the tax year is when they work their magic. And the bookkeeper makes sure all your expenses are accounted for and you work together all year long. They’re financial fairy godmothers who can help you stay on top of things!

Build relationships with people at your bank. Talk to the teller and the bank manager, and don’t feel intimidated by anyone. It’s key to connect, so that you can ask questions and learn from them as experts about how things work.

When you have a new project coming up or are looking to expand, their expertise can be so valuable to decision making.

Do not be afraid of asking for help.

Hopefully after reading this blog post you’re feeling a bit more confident about money and talking about how to grow your finances.  I mentioned earlier that I use the Profit First method and have been since reading the book, but I’d love to know what money, finance, or business books have made an impact on you? Share your resources in the comments below or come and join in the conversation over on Facebook!

To get you started on managing your finances effectively and efficiently, here’s an extra helping hand from me to you, Ninja:

1. Watch my mini-training here where I will talk about this in more detail.

2. Download the freebie that goes along with this mini-training and get started on your mission-tidy-up-my-biz-finances!

If you want to hang out with like-minded and aspirational childcare business owners, come and get involved in the community over on Facebook! Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too. We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!

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