by admin | Oct 25, 2022 | Blog, Uncategorized
Have you been sitting on the fence when it comes to making your childcare biz go digital? Well I’m about to spill the tea on why it matters and why now is the perfect time to make the change!
In case you haven’t heard it’s the 21st century and it’s all about digital. The way we use paper for business is just not the most efficient way to do things anymore.
Have you taken your biz digital yet? Read on for why you ought to!
What do I mean by “go digital”?
It’s funny because when I was talking to some of my coachees about going digital, they completely misunderstood at first. They thought I meant take their day cares online – go virtual. Nope! I’m not even sure how that’d work! What I am referring to is setting up your systems using tech to help you and moving your planning to digital too.
But I love paper…
Hey, don’t get me wrong. I love heading to Target each September and buying new stationery as much as every other female entrepreneur. But the time has come for us to take into consideration the impact that’s having on 1) the planet and 2) the growth of your childcare business.
When I made the shift from paper systems to digital – staffing systems, family systems, planning systems – I saw a huge difference. I spent less time paper shuffling (literally!) and more time on the things that matter. And of course I want that for you too!

1. Going digital saves you time
By turning your childcare biz digital, you can be more efficient. Whether that’s by copying tasks and appointments on your digital planner, dragging and dropping items across on your scheduling app you can save a ton of time in your business with by going digital. You can batch tasks and then duplicate things as and when, erasing items with a click of a button and editing as you need to.
One of the best things about going digital is the ability to search through your apps. This saves you having to sift through paperwork looking for that one thing a client of staff member needs. Being able to find info quickly frees up your time!
2. Take it with you wherever you go
When you go digital, you’ve got no worries if you left your paper planner at home or if your bag is too small for one. You can carry so much more information than ever before! Think of all your work notebooks, folders and drawers of files being instantly accessible from one device. Unlimited portability. (Unless you’ve got one of these bags…)

3. They’re so easy to use
All these digital apps and planners available nowadays are incredibly user friendly! I am no tech whizz, but I have digitized my entire biz and have had no issues – except for keeping up with my biz growth!
4. Going digital is cost effective
Imagine how much money you’re going to save your business in the long run! No trips to Walmart to get your stationery kicks and clutter your office up with more notebooks you’ll never use. And you can wave goodbye to the impractical planner you thought you’d use everyday but actually it sits gathering dust because it’s too big and bulky.

5. Environmentally friendly
Who needs endless reams of post-it notes and pages of notes nowadays? It all creates so much waste. And unless your county has great recycling facilities, that’ll all end up in landfill. So going digital is a green and clean option!
With the reusable features of digital planners and other systems, you won’t need single use paper anymore. And you’ll have digital stickers, no need to buy pencils and pens to use with it either because it’s all reusable. Your digital stationery can be used over and over again!
Which means digital planners are more environmentally friendly than traditional planners, creating less clutter and helping you reduce waste. Less waste, more haste makes Childcare Ninjas awesome!
Let’s make your childcare biz go digital
Hopefully I’ve convinced you that it’s as easy as pie to go digital and now is the time to do it! Soooo…

Digital planning uses the foundation of our traditional method of paper planning and transforms it into a more streamlined process.

Our digital planner enhances productivity by effectively organizing your day and streamlining your workflows. You’ll be able to take notes, keep track of meetings, set your priorities, and quickly accomplish your goals like the Childcare Ninja you are!

Our exclusive planning system was created especially to help today’s childcare professionals get organized! You can easily and quickly plan curriculum, menus, social media scheduling and so much more. There’s even a vision board section! Let’s get you flying high in 2023!
So if you’re looking to reduce overwhelm, get organized and achieve your goals next year here you go! Get on the waitlist for your 2023 CHILDCARE BUSINESS PLANNING SYSTEM right now!!
Find cheerleaders and support in prepping for 2023
Even with the best planning system in the world, being a home daycare provider can sometimes feel lonely and overwhelming. Don’t forget that you can find strategies and tips to move your childcare business forward by joining our community! You can hang out with like-minded and aspirational day care owners in there. Plus I go live regularly to talk about topics that’ll help you grow.
If you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too. Or maybe email is your thang…JOIN OUR
MAILING LIST HERE. We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be!
by admin | Sep 16, 2022 | Blog, Uncategorized
It’s that back-to-school vibe here at Childcare Ninjas and right now we’ve got a focus on systems. And you KNOW I am all about using systems to bring bigger and better success into our childcare businesses. So how can we use systems to get more clients?
In this blog post I’m going to share with you how it’s possible and tell you exactly why you need to get systems in place right now!
What do you mean by “systems”, Nyckie?!

Systems are the things you put in place to keep you organized! Whether that’s automations or just a paper process, it’s important that you have something in place. Particularly if you need to have time off at any point. And systems are a huge reason why I’ve been able to grow my business over the years.
Your Daily operations, Vendor and Supplier management, Billing, Marketing, Curriculum and teaching roster, Profit and finance, Taxes, and managing your space all require some sort of system. Not to mention why we’re here today: Client onboarding & Client management!
Do systems really save you time?
I can hear you questioning whether this whole “systems” malarkey is any good! But I’d ask you another question in return – how long are things taking you right now?

After 15 years of running a home day care and multiple childcare businesses, I can say with all my heart that they reaaaaaaaaaaaallllly do! Having systems in your childcare saves you time and money and I’m so aware of how precious a commodity time is to us as business owners. We don’t have much of it, do we?! So why spend hours on something manual and stressful when you can get a system in place to speed things up and take it off your To Do list?
How can I use systems to get more clients?
You should be bearing enrollment in mind all year round. You shouldn’t just be on the hunt for clients when you find a family is moving away taking 4 of your 6 kiddos with them, or when 2 or 3 families have kids reaching school age and no longer need you…leaving you with no kids in your care. It’s time to get systems in place!

You can have an active waitlist of families who are looking for childcare set up. Let me show you how! No more freaking out when someone leaves! Have a family ready and waiting…
Use a marketing funnel to grow a waitlist
Don’t panic – it sounds much more complex than it actually is! Building a waitlist for those quieter times by setting up a funnel just means having an email list that you can then filter to separate out people who want and need a place in your day care.
You can offer tips and resources in exchange for the emails of potential clients. These are usually really handy things they’ve been on the look out for. They sign up for their freebie, agreeing that they want to keep in touch with you. And then you add their email to your list, opening up a super valuable line of communication.
Then you can send emails out to your list informing them of upcoming open day events, availability of spaces and keep them in the loop about your childcare facilities and any news. Ultimately, you want to stay relevant and in the forefront of the minds of your local families.
And I’ve got just the thing you need because…
…Childcare Ninjas have kickass systems to get more clients they’ll love!
What if you could create and implement systems into your business which free you up not just to work but to give you more time for your other passions?! When done properly, using systems can help you buy back your time and give you freedom to make more of those cherished memories you spent all summer making – but year round!
You can get access to incredible resources that’ll help you get systems started RIGHT NOW!
There’s even copy you can swipe for your funnel and templates for the lead magnet itself!! Plus videos to show you how to do it all.
And if you want MORE, creating systems that work is one of the trainings we cover in detail inside
The Childcare Flip Course. We’ll be opening up for the next cohort in a few weeks! So I’m sharing the link here for you to take a look and get ready to learn how to BUY BACK YOUR TIME Ninja!

Catch my live trainings on Thursday nights over in my free
Facebook group.
Join us in there and get connected with other childcare owners. Every week we’ll move your childcare
business forward by with tips and ideas! Hang out with like-minded and aspirational day care owners as well as resources and tips for success from me! Or if you prefer
Instagram, we share ideas and tonnes of other stuff there too.
We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!
by admin | Mar 1, 2021 | Blog, Uncategorized
By now you’ll know that I believe systems and processes have a truly significant role in building your childcare business. They’re key to you growing and up-levelling! In the last 15 years, my main learning from being a childcare business owner has been that systems equals success!
Some of the most important factors of implementing systems in your business are to improve efficiency and organization. This is what enables you to monitor and manage your staff whilst staying connected to the operational strategies of the business. And you can keep taking a step back to make sure everything is working and in sync to help you achieve your vision.
Let’s take a look at why systems equal success…
Why do you rave about systems, Nyckie?
Because they work!! (Can I get an amen?!) No matter what size your childcare business is, it no doubt includes multiple systems working together to achieve your goals. Systems and processes are essential to your business’ success, especially when it comes to growth. If you don’t have these to lean on then your growth will be super hard to achieve.
Trust me! To ensure you can train employees and delegate responsibilities, to offer a consistent high quality service, make sure things run smoothly in your day-to-day, you need systems!

Setting up systems is all well and good BUT if they don’t actually work, then what’s the point? 🤷🏾♀️
I recommend that you go over your systems at least every 6 months. Analyze and review them, make sure every part of the system is working towards its purpose. Once you’ve gone through the hard work of setting up all your systems, it can be very easy to put them on the back-burner and forget all about them. But we need to check in from time to time, to look at what’s working and what needs adjusting. As your business grows it’s to be expected that your systems need to adapt too.

In the generic biz world, they call this “System analysis”. Which is, essentially, studying a system or its parts in order to identify its objectives. Does it do its job properly? It’s basically a problem solving technique that helps you improve the system and ensures that all the components of the system work efficiently to accomplish their purpose. Analysis specifies what the system should do. I talk more about it here.
Optimize your childcare business processes
It’s important that you take time to understand the entire system in order to make changes to simplify the steps involved. By using a systems perspective, you can remove unnecessary steps and find effective short cuts which can save your childcare business money (and who doesn’t want to do that, right?!). You want to optimize your systems for ultimate success, not keep things as they’ve always been.

Think about it! What worked brilliantly when you had an in-home daycare with 4 children isn’t necessarily going to do the job when you’re set up in your first location. What worked for 3 team members, is unlikely to work when you’ve got multiple locations and several teams. So do take some time and go through your systems one by one and check if they need to grow with you so you can get to that next level of success.
Problem solving instead of problem dodging
One of the benefits of analyzing your systems—picking it apart and then adjusting as needed—is that your problem solving skills will improve. Instead of avoiding complexity, a systems approach helps you see problems as exciting opportunities. These problems offer potential ways to innovate and develop your creativity. If something isn’t working, what can you do to improve that element of the system? Brainstorm and think outside the box!

And this has a knock-on effect with your team. They see you modelling leadership from a problem solving angle, and it has an impact on the way they approach tasks too! Rather than shy away from difficult issues, your staff turn into active problem solvers. They also feel safer to try new ways of thinking because they can trust your systems.
Are your systems helping you achieve your objectives?
Another thing to consider is where you want to be—what’s your bigger vision?—and to see if your systems are leading to that goal. You want to be working a few steps ahead so that you’re ready for what’s coming.
When you only address one part of the problem, you’ll likely never find a long-term solution. By taking a step back, and looking at the interconnected dynamics of the system, you’ll discover a better way of organizing your business.

Systems thinking can help you revolutionize your childcare business across every aspect. If you put the systems approach to work in your childcare—however large or small!—a better and more efficient business could be right around the corner. And that means more revenue!
So, repeat after me: Systems = Success! Unless of course, they’re not working!
I’d love to know what the biggest change you’ve had to make in your childcare business is, as it’s grown? How did you manage to navigate it? Which of your systems needed adapting? Come and join in the conversation about systems over in the Childcare Ninja Facebook group!
And I have an awesome freebie, specially designed by my team of business ninjas to help you sort out your systems! Because smart systems in your business result in Success! So what are you waiting for?! Download your FREE Sassy Systems Workbook today!

We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for biz ideas and to take a sneak peek behind the scenes!

by admin | Feb 18, 2021 | Blog, Uncategorized
Last week I was talking about financial systems, but this week I’m focusing in on the general ones you need to have in place for your childcare business. I know I have mentioned systems before, but there’s a reason why I’m a huge advocate—THEY WORK!
When I implemented systems into my day cares, I was able to take a breath, and then begin to up my game! We’re halfway through quarter 1, and there’s still plenty of time to get around to organising your own so you can have your best year yet!
Hands up if you’re ready to get systematizing for a super successful 2021? If you’re in, read on!
What’s so great about systematizing?
What isn’t there to love about getting systems in place?! Who doesn’t want to have processes that will help you get organized and help your staff become more independent?!
Nailing your systematizing means you can take time off to relax, to follow your passions, all without guilt. No longer will you spend days out of office worrying about how everyone’s coping without you, leaving your cell phone on just in case. You’ll be able to take a deep breath and walk out of the day care center knowing that you’ve got things covered!

It’s good for everyone if you can de-stress — your staff will feel more empowered and valued and your business is bound to flourish! I’d love to encourage you to plan and brainstorm around creating your systems for a successful 2021.
Why start now?
We’re mid-February which I know is only a short month, but we’ve still got plenty of time! This really is the best time to start putting systems in place if you haven’t yet got around to it because we’re still early on in the year.
So I’d love to encourage you to start the year strong, you’ve probably already created your vision for the year and set your goals so systems come next to turn those into action steps. It’s an ideal time to do it at the beginning of the year as we have other planning going on as well so it makes sense to take some time and brainstorm.

Assess what you’ve already got in place
Look at what you have in place right now, what’s not working, how you’d like to see it work in 2021 and begin making changes.
Break down all the steps and processes that you have in place, adding in the things you’d like to improve. Now you’ve got a plan and a sort of flow chart to guide you through each area of your business. If you need a guide to help you with this process, download your free childcare business map here and get started building your systems.
So let’s take a step back, get some perspective and look at the systems we have in place. Note down all those little tasks – cleaning toys, writing a menu, invoicing clients…everything! What’s working? What’s not? Dig in and start making some changes.
Once you’ve got your systems all laid out, it’s time to call a staff meeting and get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet!
Up-level your organization NOW!
The systems are what’s going to help you reach your goals in 2021, the earlier the better. It’s already February, so let’s do it now! Let’s up-level those systems to create success in our Childcare business this year.
And there are so many brilliant ways you can get organized nowadays. From apps to incredible planners, you can get everything sorted out and in order! Systems don’t have to be stressful. But they can help you take your business to the next level!

So what’s stopping you from getting systems in place?
Would you like to chat with me about taking your childcare business to the next level? I’ve been where you are and I can help you grow much faster than I ever did, because I now have the road map. I’ve been coaching women like you and I have seen the progress they’ve made in a short space of time. You can too! All you have to do is book a free discovery call with me, Nyckie B here!
Come and let us know over in the Childcare Ninja Facebook group! I’m sharing tips on setting those systems up so you can actually grow your childcare business.
We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!