When I first set up my home daycare business, I had no idea what was to come. I knew I wanted to have some financial freedom and to be there for my kids. But I could’ve gotten there faster with better support. And this is why I’ve designed a course to help you. It’s called The Childcare Flip Course and it’s going to support you on this incredible journey of yours.
Because who doesn’t want a roadmap to help you fast track your own childcare business? And you should know how you can automate your childcare business on a budget, so you can actually get stuff done! As I believe that YOU TOO can also have a multi-six-figure childcare business like me. Know why? You have the power to become exactly who you always wanted to be!
Not sure what I’m on about yet? No worries at all, Ninja! Read on to find out how…
Where are you now?
After setting up Childcare Ninjas a few years ago, supporting women like you to build sustainable childcare businesses, I know where you’re at right now. You’ve most likely just begun your journey as a home daycare owner to fit work in around your family. Or you’ve invested in a space in your local town because you’ve seen a gap in the market.
I’d bet my bottom dollar that you’re super passionate about the kids you work with and ensuring that they thrive in your care. That you adore the families you serve in your neighbourhood and want to give them the best start ever. Am I right?!
So imagine how it’d feel to go from serving a handful of families from your home to supporting many more!
Well, I’m happy to tell you that it feels AWESOME. And I know because I’ve done it.
Be the change you want to see – flip it!
15 years ago I successfully opened my own childcare business despite all the challenges I came up against. I was a single mother to four gorgeous babies, with limited resources. But nowadays I have multiple centers, with teams of All Stars running them with me!
I’ve gone from a 9-5 job to being a multi six-figure childcare business owner. And I’ve continuously grown my childcare business day-in, day-out. I love it so much that I’ve been teaching other women how to succeed too, using their passion and skills for childcare.
Is it time for you to flip things round? Of course it is! There’s never been a better time…
You’ve got to take action
Want to know how I’ve managed to come so far? It’s quite simple really: I took action. Every single day. If I didn’t take action to become who I am today, I know exactly where I would be. Broke, unfulfilled, & plain ole tired!
Every day, I took another step to reach my goal. Sometimes I’d hit a bump in the road and have to start over, but it never stopped me trying to push forward. And I want to show you how you can do this too.
Action taking is tough
Wait a minute. Before you bite my head off. I KNOW taking action can be hard. We’ve all got things that might get in our way. A difficult family history, circumstances that don’t make it easy. But if I’d let my challenges and negativity get me down, I’d be stuck in that 9-5, I’d never have spent time raising my kids and I’d not be where I am now.
So we’ve got to make a choice. You’ve got to stand up and decide to take action. No more excuses. The time is now.
But I don’t know where to start, Nyckie!!
Hold up! I hear ya! When we feel like we don’t know where to start or even where we are going, we can lack clarity & confidence.
Trust me, I have absolutely been there! And let me tell you, 15 years ago there was NOTHING out there to guide me. Which is why I’m so excited to get The Childcare Flip Course out into the world. This course is where you can begin. Some might say it’s the green light you need to start thinking big.
Let me guide you with The Childcare Flip Course
The doors are NOW OPEN for my brand new Childcare Flip Course. I’m seeking passionate and driven childcare owners to join me. I’ll be guiding you along the journey and sharing the knowledge and tools you need to create your own profitable childcare business with ease.
We love working with children, & it is our dream to be helping families and have the freedom we desire – whether it’s time freedom, financial freedom, or just being our own boss. Let’s admit it to ourselves and declare it to the world!
Stop delaying your dreams!
For so many years I let my inner critic tell me I wasn’t good enough and that I didn’t have the skill or the passion to succeed. When I was able to switch that noise off and focus on the steps I needed to take, everything changed.
If you don’t believe in the power of your dreams, you’ll risk sitting on the sidelines your entire life. You risk never seeing your dreams turn to reality.
Sign up today & start getting the right help to get your business to the next level so you can see your dreams turn into reality.
Grab your place on The Childcare Flip Course today!