8 Ways You Can Stay Motivated Towards Your Vision For 2021
Can you believe we’re already halfway through the first month of the year?! I’ve been caught up in the excitement of planning and writing intentions, getting clear on where I want to take Childcare Ninjas and my daycares. Have you created your vision for the year? I love the hope and joy that thinking big brings! However, I know from experience that it’s really easy to lose momentum and forget about the bigger picture.
There’s so much excitement in these first couple of months of the new year, then by March our energy and motivation starts to dwindle, right?! So I wonder if you’ve thought about how you’re going to stay motivated and on track to reach your 2021 vision? Read on for some handy tips for staying motivated!
Why do we lose motivation?
Losing focus isn’t a new thing. It doesn’t come because of a global pandemic. This is pretty common to how every year goes! January arrives and we’re all goal setting and resolution Queens, but come the end of February our gym bags are gathering dust, our intentions for our businesses have fallen by the wayside.
The daily drudgery of our childcare businesses, the endless juggling our families, and keeping on top of our homes leaves us drained of energy and we begin losing sight of our vision and, with that, knowing how to reach our goals disappears. The steps fade and we can’t see how to get there. Procrastination and distraction take hold.
The difference comes when we are able to keep up that initial excitement and motivation, staying focused throughout the year on that bigger vision.
Is 2021 any different?
I have been hearing lots of people talking about how pleased they are that 2021 is finally here because they were so sick of 2020. And then this year has arrived and it feels like this year may just be more of the same. But even if it is going to be similar, we got through last year – we can do it again! So don’t let that discourage you from aiming high and creating a vision for what you want this year.
We don’t know what 2021 holds for us, but we’ll know what our hopes are. It’s great if we know our expectations and aspirations so well that we can keep coming back to them as reminders.
How to stay motivated
I’m determined that we’re not going to fizzle out this year! So I’m going to share with you some ideas I have been using to keep myself motivated over the years. I have a toolkit that I dip into to help me keep working towards my goals. These are 8 things I utilize because I know if I don’t I’ll not stick to my vision!
Have a mantra
- a word or phrase that helps you refocus and stay in your lane! My word this year is “focus” because I want to move my business forward, in my professional development and investing in my growth, and focusing on my relationships. It helps by reminding me to really ground myself so I can keep moving towards my vision. So see what feels right for you. Choose a word or a phrase that resonates with you and will help you stay focused!
Set specific financial goals
- Get clear on what you want to bring in! Don’t be shy about how much you want to earn. It’s important that we talk about money and finances so it’s less taboo! What’s your money goal for the year? Break it down into stepping stones for the year.
Create a vision board
- Put reminders on a vision board to keep your goals at the front of your mind! Put your financial targets on it, and words that align with your goals. I often put words on to remind me of things I sometimes neglect – this year I’ve got “tranquility” on mine! I need a visual memory jog to help me rest.
Revisit the previous year
- Take some time to reflect on the silver linings from 2020. Yes, last year was A LOT! But the year was not a total write-off. There were things that went well. Even if it’s just your health and the fact that you made it to this year! Journal on this and go through the year noting down where the good stuff was!
Lean on your business BFFs
- I highly recommend finding yourself an accountability partner. Someone who can keep you motivated – and you can encourage them too! This person is going to check in to make sure you’ve ticked off that to do list. It really does help to give you drive to get things done! You don’t want to show up to your accountability session with nothing to show. I’ve achieved so much more since having somebody to nudge me forward! They’re your new biz BFF and they really do help.
Create a 90 day goal
- Planning is key to reaching your goals for the year. But when we plan for 365 days, we can feel a bit like “it’s so far off, and I don’t need to work on that yet!” So sometimes planning a bit shorter term feels more achievable and less daunting than planning for the whole year. If we plan for 90 days (three months!) it pushes us to go for our goals and make progress! It keeps the excitement there. Break the 90 day goal into achievable segments.
Investing in yourself
- This one doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. Start with a book that’ll help you grow – a business finance book, something about marketing, or a mindset book. If you’ve got the budget to work with a coach or to sign up to a program or course, that’s awesome. Go for it! Spending money on your growth is never wasted money. You’ll be so surprised how fast things start moving once you start opening yourself up to investing in yourself. It is a game changer. You’ll notice everything starting to go right. Times and places and people falling into your lap.
Keep a blessings book
- I have this little book on me at all times. In it I write down ways I want to bless people. The ways I have blessed people. When I’m having a tough time, or get side-tracked, I go back through it to remind myself how much I care. To look at the good things that have been happening to me and the people I love. It keeps me motivated to see the blessings my hard work can bring people.
So to summarize, I want you to know that you’re not alone if you’re struggling to get motivated. Or maybe you’re worried about losing momentum. It’s okay. Try to use some of the tools from my kit, and head into my Facebook group because you can find more ideas for keeping on track in there.
While you’re here, I’d love you to invite you to join me on Friday 22nd January (next week!) for my free Masterclass –Simple Childcare Ownership. I’ll be helping you get unstuck so you can grow a successful childcare business in 2021 – even if you don’t have a lot of money!
Click here to register!
And before you go, let me introduce who we are! We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!