It’s that old vicious circle again! One that I hear time and time again. “I can’t afford to invest in myself”. But then because you’ve not invested you can’t grow. And so it goes on. Ad infinitum. So I’ve written a blog to explain why you can’t afford not to invest in yourself!
Read on to discover the reasons I know that it’s time for you to start taking investing in you and your childcare business seriously.
Excuses I hear everyday about why you can’t invest in yourself
When I’m coaching childcare business owners something they very quickly grow out of is making excuses. They used to say things like “I can’t afford to take time off”. Or “I can’t afford to get a coach”. Or even “I can’t afford to hire staff”. And instead they now take time to consider things carefully before automatically making assumptions about money and affordability. They look at all the options available to them. They don’t write off things that could actually help them grow their businesses just because they have in the past.
I’m not suggesting that you start taking silly risks or putting your home on the line. No way! I’m just asking you to REALLY think about things before you turn down huge opportunities to up-level your childcare business.
When I was coaching with my most recent cohort of The Childcare Flip, I saw them completely change their mindset about “affordable” and other money issues. The progress they made was incredible. And I want that for you too!

Can’t invest in yourself or won’t…What is going on really?
More often than not when someone says “I can’t afford it” they’re not thinking about their actual finances and bank statements. Sometimes it’s about trust. Others it’s about priorities. And occasionally it’s about being more resourceful and thinking outside the box.
So when you’re faced with an opportunity to invest in yourself as a childcare business owner, I’d encourage you to journal on it. Don’t immediately say no. Instead take some time to look at what’s really happening here. What are the benefits of investing in this? Where might the path take you? Who will you get the chance to work with? How much money could this make you in the future?

Can you afford not to invest in yourself?
As a childcare boss, there’s only so far you can go by yourself. I know because I’ve been there. I’ve had to invest in a coach to help me navigate growth and dive deep into my own mindset issues. And I’ve taken courses to elevate my business to the next level, far beyond the imagination of home daycare Nyckie from back in the day! I never imagined I’d be the owner of multiple facilities and a coach to Childcare Ninjas across the globe!
And that’s what I want you to think about, Ninja. When you invest in yourself there are so many amazing benefits beyond the coach/course/program you buy. You get that awesomeness, and then you also get the added bonuses so often available. And that’s what you get with The Childcare Flip too. I will be teaching you SO much brilliant stuff in there to flip your business! I also give you templates to help you grow your list, and more! These things will MAKE you money. Can you afford not to invest in yourself?!

The Childcare Flip – turning childcare business on its head!
This course is THE complete, step-by-step system I have created for in-home daycare and childcare owners to create a childcare business with freedom, flexibility, and financial success.
You’ll learn the F.O.R.G.E. Method to help you create a winning marketing method that gets potential clients coming to you instead of your competition & that does this fast.

The Childcare Flip Course has helped me keep growing my daycare business day after day, have more than one center & made my life and business into what it is today… 

Our next cohort starts very soon (SIGN UP NOW – INVEST IN YOURSELF!) and I’d LOVE it if you could join me for my next FREE webinar:
The 6 mistakes that childcare owners make and how to avoid them!
I’ll be running my free webinar training on these common and easy-to-make mistakes TOMORROW! Based on my own experience and going through this huge learning curve I want to shortcut your success and help you save $$$s on costly mistakes!
Join me at 7pm EST Monday, register here:

If you’re not ready for my course, why not get connected with other childcare owners instead? Get tips every week to move your childcare business forward by joining my FREE Facebook group! Hang out with like-minded and aspirational daycare owners as well as training every other week from me! Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too. We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!