
Raising the next generation of childcare workers

Raising the next generation of childcare workers

You might remember that a while ago I created a YouTube video on this topic, but I wanna shine a light on entry-level positions again. Although it might sound odd, I want you to think about ways you can raise the next gen of childcare workers by hiring total newbs....

Putting together your childcare biz dream team

Putting together your childcare biz dream team

When it comes to hiring new staff, how easy do you find it? Finding the right people for your childcare biz dream team isn't always as straightforward as we'd like! However, I've been in the childcare industry for 15 years now and I've got a couple of super simple...

Time to join: The Childcare Flip Course

Time to join: The Childcare Flip Course

When I first set up my home daycare business, I had no idea what was to come. I knew I wanted to have some financial freedom and to be there for my kids.  But I could've gotten there faster with better support. And this is why I've designed a course to help you. It's...

It’s time to dial in on your marketing message!

It’s time to dial in on your marketing message!

When it comes to getting your marketing message right it's really important that you pay attention to what you're putting out into the world and whether or not it's being seen.  Nailing your messaging is the key to growing your childcare business and making it the...

How to compete for the best team members (despite being small!)

How to compete for the best team members (despite being small!)

When you're running a smaller childcare business, it can feel like a gargantuan task to find a great new team member. We often look around at these big chains offering the world to new staff, and think we can't do it. However, you can 100% compete for the best team...

Avoid these marketing pitfalls in your childcare biz!

Avoid these marketing pitfalls in your childcare biz!

These last few months I’ve been thinking about marketing pitfalls that I come across in the Childcare business. There's so many! Sounds like bad news, right?! Wrong! These marketing pitfalls are super easy to overcome, so don't panic! Have a read of these 4 most...

What’s the why behind your childcare business?

What’s the why behind your childcare business?

It was Simon Sinek who did a TED talk about the importance of the WHY in business. And it matters because it's your motivation to succeed and your reason to persevere. So what's the why behind your childcare business? It’s that time of the year where we reflect and...