Why you need to get some perspective in your childcare business

Why you need to get some perspective in your childcare business

When you’re so busy running a childcare business, it can be really easy to get caught up in the day-to-day shenanigans. You’re ticking off the to list. Suddenly you come face to face with an unprecedented challenge! But you can’t see the wood for the trees. Uh oh! It’s time to get some perspective.

I wanted to write this blog to remind you that from time to time it’s a good idea to take a step back and zoom out from the obstacles in your way. If you’re keen to grow your childcare business, you need to get really good at looking at your business from a 360 perspective! Read on for tips I’ve used to up-level my business.

What does perspective even mean?

I get it, it’s one of those words thrown around in the online space and by entrepreneurs! But it’s used a lot for a reason! And sometimes these words lose their meaning, don’t they?

Put simply, it’s the way that we look at something. Some people will be looking at it from one stand point, and others from a completely different angle.  And it can be hard sometimes to understand how others are perceiving things.  But it’s definitely important to stand back and reassess now and again.

And, for the word nerds among you, it’s also an art technique that changes the distance or depth of an object on paper.  Like when you see a photograph or painting of a road and it’s wider up close, and narrower further away. Not as relevant in this particular situation, but kinda interesting none-the-less!

How perspective can help your business

A lot of the time we can get so wrapped up in the day-to-day stuff, that we cannot think clearly. We don’t give ourselves the headspace to process things and we forget to take a deep breath, step back and recalibrate.  When we get so zeroed in on one particular challenge that it’s all we see or think about! And it can then be a struggle to focus so that we can figure out the solution!

Getting stuck in our heads is so common, and what this leads to is our minds getting in a complete tangled mess that we miss what is truly  important. And this lack of holistic vision can mean that we’re oblivious to even simple the most solutions that are staring us right in the face.

By focusing too much on teeny details you lose perspective!

get some perspective

So how can you do better?

As I’ve already mentioned, lots of us are unable to understand situations that arise in our childcare businesses clearly because we’re too involved. To improve the situation we’ve got to learn to be reflective. To reposition ourselves in order to see things from another frame of reference. Sometimes, all it takes is a pause and a reframe, and you can magically see how to overcome a tricky problem.

Take time out from being head down in the business, head to your quiet space, light a candle and do some journaling. Often when we let ourselves stop and brain dump, we can find answers pop into our head! I’ve written about how you can create the perfect thinking space and give yourself time to reflect here.

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You can ask for help in the form of a survey to get a little perspective. Find out how your staff perceive things, but don’t be afraid to ask your families too! Depending on the situation, the more help the better!

It’s okay to look for further support

One way to break out of the zoned in habits you’ve developed is to get some help. It’s super important to make sure you recognize that you need a little support and find ways to get it. This will give you the confidence and strength to be able to step out of that challenge and see it from a birds-eye view.

Having someone else to talk things through with, or just a fresh pair of eyes, can really help you relook at the problem you’re facing. They can suggest solutions because they’re looking at it from a whole new perspective. And they can give you a leg up to their view, or explain how to get there. It’s really key that you have a support network to lean on when things are difficult. Getting their interpretation of things can change your business for the better!

A little help from my friends…

You’ll often find that you’ll get an “AHA!” moment from your chat, whether it’s your significant other, a family member that’s been supporting you in your business. You might find that you get incredible advice off a business bestie, or a little perspective from the industry specific Facebook group you’re a member of, or the business coach you’re working with. This week, I talked about why we all need some support in the  Facebook group for my weekly #tiptuesday and in my free group last week.

What other support have you gotten that’s really helped you?

There are lots of ways to get the support that you need in your Childcare business depending on what goals you’re trying to reach or what you’re working on. If you haven’t yet joined, do check out my free Facebook group!  I’d love to see you in there!

We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming more involved in the community and to grow your business? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too!

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How to help your team become childcare rock stars

How to help your team become childcare rock stars

Being a childcare business owner comes with a lot of responsibility. Not only do you have the precious loved ones of parents at the center of your business, you’ve got a plethora of childcare professionals to care for. So how can you help your team become the childcare rock stars they’re destined to be?

Since I’ve been running my childcare business for over 13 years, you’ll know I have learned A LOT in that time. In all honesty, I’ve made countless mistakes, but I’ve also helped numerous childcare workers achieve their goals! And I try to make sure I learn from every slip up, so that it doesn’t happen again.

One thing I’ve been successful at over the years is building a great team to work with me. I have developed strategies and leadership skills that allow me to support them and help them grow.

help your team shimmy

Here are a few of the ways you can do this too, to help your team flourish:

Help your team notice their strengths and weaknesses

Get to know your employees in the workplace. Sounds cheesy,  but identifying their strengths and weaknesses is the key to unlocking the potential of each member of your team. Spend time with them playing with the daycare children, observe the way they interact with others and how they carry themselves. Are they confident? Do they feel able to ask for help?

Paying attention to your team’s strengths and weaknesses means you can provide them with support in all the right places. You can seek out opportunities for professional development training where needed and do it in a positive way. As a Childcare Ninja, one of your most important jobs is to detect these strengths and weaknesses, then use that knowledge to propel their productivity and get them on board.

Part of this is actually being honest about your own strengths and weaknesses with your team. Learning together can be a massive turning point! Talk about your own journey and let them see it’s okay to recognize where you need to do the work, but it’s also great to celebrate how far you’ve come.

Give your team wings to fly

Being a business owner is a fine balance of wanting to have control, but also letting go. I get it. Your business is your baby. You’ve put in hours and want to make sure everything is managed PERFECTLY. I know. I hear you! But the problem with this comes when you’ve got to take an unforeseen break – say, an emergency with your mom – and you’ve got to let someone else take the reins. Firstly, you’ve got to have systems in place for if this does happen. Secondly, you need to know your team will cope okay without you.

So, while you’ve got the opportunity, allow members of your team the opportunity to grow. Let them take on tasks you might normally reserve for yourself. Give them the chance to be creative in their problem solving before you step in. Help your team help themselves! When you see how brilliant they are in situations, you’ll be able to rest easy when the time comes for an operation (or even – GASP! – a holiday).

theres always tomorrow

Show your team that you care

Working in childcare is hard. Especially when you’re new to it and you’re young and learning constantly. Do you remember? Was there a manager or childcare owner who went the extra mile to support you? I didn’t really experience this, so I do my utmost to be the change I want to see! I want to create a culture of kindness in my daycare centers, for both the children AND the staff.

Before you freak out, I’m not saying we all go on spa breaks together and play team building games in lunch breaks! I’d just say that there’s a real need for us as business owners to set a good example. Let’s be creative with incentives to get the team working together for a common cause. A little friendly competition here and there, like a Bake Off or a poster design. A “Random Acts of Kindness” tree in the staff room is a lovely touch I’ve seen before.


And most of all, take time to show them that you care. I love writing my team cute hand written notes, so they know I’m thinking of them. A little kindness really does go a long long way. And they’ll remember how you treated them, hopefully going on to lead as you’ve done when the time comes.

I hope this has shown you how to lead your team to become the rock stars they’ve always meant to be! Let me know in the comments if you have any other tactics to share. I’m always keen to develop my leadership skills and continue my own Childcare Ninja journey!


Before you go, have you found the Childcare Ninja Facebook group yet? We are an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!