Putting together your childcare biz dream team
When it comes to hiring new staff, how easy do you find it? Finding the right people for your childcare biz dream team isn’t always as straightforward as we’d like! However, I’ve been in the childcare industry for 15 years now and I’ve got a couple of super simple ideas for you to try out.
Whether you’re just starting to put together your dream team, or honing your hiring process, read on for some simple considerations!
Why creating your dream team matters!
Before we get stuck in, it’s key that you know what you need a team for in the first place. So you run a childcare business, we know! What’s your goal, what are your aims? How can you craft a team that’ll help you achieve those?
Earlier this week, I had a planning session with two of my team members. They’re totally awesome and amazing at what they do! Each member knows the vision, knows their role, and runs with it! Both of them work really well together and put in 100%. And it’s partly because of having a brilliant team that I’ve been as successful as I have been!
Having a well-rounded team who are in sync means that you can know for sure that your childcare biz is in safe hands! There’s a reason that they use the acronym “Team = Together Everyone Achieves More”.
What help do you REALLY need for your childcare biz dream team?
Occasionally we know it’s time for us to get help and begin thinking about new team members. But I’ve noticed that as childcare biz owners, we don’t always take the time we need to consider what we actually want. Often, instead of getting specific support, I’m seeing hires of generic all-rounders who don’t elevate your team to the next level. Mostly this is because the hiring process is rushed but sometimes it’s due to not knowing what you need.
Getting any kind of help takes a decent amount of time to contemplate! You’ve got to look at what’s needed to help create the right team for yourself.
Get specific about what you want and need to create your dream team!
This might sound obvious, but it’s important to have this clear before you start advertising! If we don’t have that clarity on WHO you’re looking for you can find yourself hiring the wrong person, or a good person but for the wrong role.
Do you need someone to work with the kids or is it about support in the admin department? It’s vital to be clear on your vision and goals so you hire the right person for the right job at the right time!
For instance if you already have a good core team working directly with the kids but find you’re getting swamped with the paperwork and books then you would be better off getting an administrative person in to focus on up-levelling there. Perhaps you don’t like the paperwork and you’re finding it drains your energy and you’re not able to move your business forward. If you’re struggling to work on your vision, finding yourself working ‘in” the business rather than ‘on’ the business, then admin may be your first spot to get covered.
Look at where you have gaps in ability and strengths on the team – not vacancies!
Choosing team members wisely
Okay, I want to take a second and explain why you can’t just hire the top of the class from your local college and hope for the best. Just because people get straight As doesn’t mean they’re automatically a good fit for your childcare business. You’ve got to take time looking at other aptitudes and really delve into what your team needs.
You can think beyond academia. For example, who is going to be great at dealing with client concerns? Have you found anybody with skills in crafting or music…? And you want all your hires to be team players.
Check out their references thoroughly too!
Create the kind of team that works well together
This comes down to communication. You have to know who you’re hiring and why, in order to craft a team that shines! And once you’ve hired them, you have to make sure everyone knows what their roles and tasks are.
If your staff can be clear on expectations of them, what they’ll be working on, when, where and who with, you’re less likely to have issues like personality clashes or overlap with 2 people doing the same task by accident.
You can definitely put together the type of team that works well together and does a stellar job. But it also takes good leadership…
A good team has a strong leader
I’m looking at you, Ninja! You’re the leader in this situation and it’s important that you know that. It’s hard. I get it! You’ve got to effectively communicate your mission and get all your team members on board.
Like the coxswain on a rowing boat, you’ve got to give direction, support, motivation and encouragement. Essentially, you’re responsible for steering the boat (childcare biz!) and coordinating the power and rhythm of the rowers (your team!).
And being a great leader is a skill that takes years to hone. You’ve got to grow! Find out how to be a better childcare boss and grab opportunities to develop your leadership skills. I know it’s totally different working for yourself! And this may be all so new to you, you may just be starting out (or maybe you feel like you’re rusty in this area?!) – I encourage you to be open to learning and growing.
One of the ways you can get support is joining a community of Childcare Ninjas 😉 We’ve got tonnes of resources and another course coming up very soon. If you need help or want to find out more about our support, reach out and let’s chat! I got you, Ninja!
In the meantime, here’s some other posts that can help you put together your childcare biz dream team: this one all about hiring, this one about beating competition in hiring, and this one about getting to know your team!
Sometimes being a Childcare Business owner can feel pretty isolating and massively overwhelming. Getting connected with other childcare owners is a game changer! Gain strategies and tips to move your childcare business forward by joining a community! That’s why I set up my FREE Facebook group, where you can hang out with like-minded and aspirational daycare owners AND get training every other week from me! Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be!
Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too. We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!