How to automate your marketing for your childcare biz
We all know marketing is absolutely key to building our businesses, but it can be overwhelming knowing how much there is to do. So the key to getting on top of the challenge is automation. I’m a huge fan of systems and putting things in place to make my everyday life a little easier, and one of the ways I’ve succeeded in this is in my marketing. This blog is going to show you how to automate your marketing.
Since I made the leap and started planning ahead, using my precious time more wisely and prioritizing getting my childcare out there, I have made huge shifts in my business and in my life. I’m able to give more to my Childcare Ninjas and to the other things that make me feel good, because I don’t have to spend hours each day on marketing and getting my childcare businesses visible!
What will you do with all the extra time?
Want to know how to get there? Here’s the 3 simple steps I took to automating my marketing.
1. Choose which platform you’ll be focusing on
Marketing online has never been easier, but there’s also never been so much choice. So, where to begin?
I’d recommend picking one platform and getting super comfortable with it. Think about your parents and the people you want to attract. Take a moment to visualize your ideal client. Where do they hang out online? Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? TikTok?
For example, if that’s Facebook, get a handle on how marketing will look for your childcare business on there. Look at what your peers are doing globally, and how they’re reaching their target market. Do they have groups as well as pages? Do they post in local “sales” groups? What sort of content do they share? I’ve written more on Facebook ninja marketing techniques here to help you out!
Perhaps your families are Gen X, urban and cool? If so they’re potentially going to be on TikTok. With over a billion users, many childcare business owners are getting in on this game. It’s a really creative platform that can get you seen by scores of people and really create a buzz around your biz. If you’re not yet familiar, it’s essentially incredibly short videos that entertain, inspire or demonstrate something. Find out more here.
Indeed, if you’re a visual person, and know that you’ve got millennial (and older) parents, Instagram is brilliant for building your brand and marketing. Using hashtags and content that will draw in your ideal client, you can develop a following and hone in on what they want and need. You can create a beautiful brand image, and a “link in bio” funnel that’ll have people emailing you about walk arounds in no time!
It’s all about finding the right platform for you and your business, but one that will get you seen by the right people! Do a quick survey of your current families and their use of social media. Once you’ve figured that out, you can really focus and get cracking on Step 2!
2. Get scheduling software
This is a game changer. If you can find a scheduling app that posts for you, so you’re not spending hours each day logging into apps and posting your childcare business content you’re going to be able to breathe easy!
There are a few you can try out for free, and there are some that you pay for. It all depends on what you want it to do and how quick you are to learn new tools. They’re all designed to help you! Here are a few I know have helped other Childcare Ninjas: Later, Hootsuite, Buffer, SproutSocial, SocialOomph… but I encourage you to explore and find the one that works for you.
2 a. So why is scheduling helpful?
Well, by planning ahead you can curate your content better and also maintain consistency across your brand. It means you can post the type of content necessary to reach your goals and grow your business. A social media management tool (or scheduling software) will allow you to schedule social media posts ahead of time. This will make it much easier to visualize and scheduling posts beats having to post everything manually – for sure!
Getting organized and using social management software will help you manage multiple social profiles all in one place. You’ll be able to schedule posts in advance, run contests, track analytics across platforms, and the list goes on! These tools really are game changers for your marketing!
3. Batching your content
After you’ve picked out the automated scheduling system you’re going to use, it’s time to block out time for creating content. When you’re batching your posts for the month all at once, it’s much easier to get into a flow, but also to see what your feed is going to look like to your clients. It’s very easy to lose that bigger picture when you’re having to post two or three times a day manually. Trust me!
However, when you’re running a childcare business, we can barely keep track of who’s working which shifts and when, what the meal plans are and whether the cleaning products are all in stock…so why not take time out each month to plan out your marketing. Think about how often you want to post on your chosen platform, and then plan out how many posts you’ll need and what they’ll look like. Will you be sharing tips, ideas for play, places you love to visit, easy recipes?
Once your plan is formulated, get onto Canva (unless you’re a graphic designer or a Photoshop whizz!) and start batching your content. If you haven’t already, I’d recommend setting up a “Brand Kit” on there, so your colours and fonts are uniform and are automatically in the drop downs! Easy peasy! Once you’ve made a couple of designs – use templates! – you can hit “Make a copy” and just redesign that post for the next piece. That way you’ll stay on brand and maybe create a pattern on your insta grid, or just excellent brand recognition.
Spend one day a month batching content for your scheduled social media marketing and I guarantee you’ll be grateful! No more hustling all day every day!
Just a simple, planned out strategy, executed with the finesse of a Childcare Ninja! Yesssssssssss!!
I hope you’ve found this blog useful!
Leave a comment and let me know if you have any other tips for other childcare businesses when it comes to automating your marketing! I’m always interested to see how y’all are doing things!
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