Setting up your home childcare business for success!

Setting up your home childcare business for success!

Something I get asked all the time is “how do I go about setting up my home childcare business?!” And it’s not a simple question to answer by any means! However, I’ve got some tips and tricks from all my years of setting up multiple day cares that I want to share with you.

I wish someone had created a simple guide for me to follow back in the day, so I thought I’d fill that gap to support you in your journey.

Wave goodbye to overwhelm

bye overwhelm

When it comes to setting up your childcare business it could be very easy for the seemingly endless To Do list to get overwhelming. Before you know it, tasks are missed, inventory gets messed up, meal plans and ordering go crazy…How do I know?! Because I’ve been there, done that. I’ve learned the hard way so you don’t have to!

By following my 5 steps, you’re giving yourself a massive head start in the childcare game! Ditch the overwhelm and start taking simple steps towards success right now!

5 steps to setting up!

There are 5 steps to setting up your childcare – whether that’s a home-based daycare or a smaller center. These 5 steps that will give you a great foundation to start your new career with

  1. Setting up the actual childcare space.
  2. Setting up all your workflows.
  3. Managing daycare paperwork.
  4. Create your financial systems.
  5. Get automating!

Although I cover those five steps in this week’s Youtube video I wanted to share with you a little about each step here.

Getting your space all set up

This is the fun bit! I like to use Pinterest for inspiration. Creating boards of the different areas I need and what I’d love them to look like. Plan out what you can do in your unique space.

In case you’re stuck for ideas on this first step, have a read of this blog post I wrote about designing the space.

Figure out your workflow

This step is the key to success! Creating your own personal workflow for your days. This is separate from the daily routines you have planned for the kids! Setting up your personal workflow as the childcare business owner is going to help you feel less overwhelmed and keep things running smoothly in your business. The workflow helps you get into a rhythm too.

Trello is where my workflow goes, but I also love using my planner.  But it doesn’t really matter where you write it all down, the purpose is to help you get clarity on what tasks need doing and when you’re going to do them.

Will you plan to do your paperwork during the kids’ nap time? It’s good to fit in simple tasks you can manage to do in the same room as the children as they sleep. Or perhaps you’ll be planning your menu on a particular day during naps. Maybe on Fridays if you have movie time when the kids are leaving you can catch up on the week’s finances.

It’s about spending your time more wisely, having a plan and getting into a routine. Setting it up properly in the beginning will make a difference!

Managing the paperwork

The bit lots of you will be dreading, and it’s the bit I got all wrong in the early days… I had so many files and folders and I had no system to organize things. It was chaos! But once I nailed my own filing system and had somewhere designated to store them, things got a LOT easier!

You might want to keep paper records in binders or folders on a shelf in your office, so you have them to hand – especially handy for those inspection times! These ought to include all your official and mandatory daycare files (insurance etc); your staff and kids’ files; enrollment packets (I keep mine in a separate box); all your food files…

Nailing your financial systems

I’m always talking about systems, I know! But there’s a good reason why. They will save you from slip-ups over and over again! Systems keep you organized and on top of your game. What’s not to love, right? And when it comes to financial systems, you want to get them sorted as soon as possible.

Since I got all my finance systems fixed-up, I’ve been able to grow my childcare business empire beyond my dreams! None of my focus goes on overwhelm or worrying about how things are doing, because I know already! And you can have that weight off your shoulders too.

Automate your business

Being a childcare business owner is hard enough without having to do every single little thing yourself! So I’d highly recommend not skipping this step! Look at apps that’ll save you time or help you stay organized. Whether that’s apps to help with staffing or apps to make CEO life easier, use technology to grow your business.

When I first set up my home daycare over 15 years ago, I didn’t know about any of this stuff!! This meant that promoting my business was super hard. But it doesn’t have to be hard for you! Apps and technology for growing your biz are absolutely where it’s at!!

automate your business

Watch my YouTube video to find out more about each of these steps because that’ll help you create a plan! Which will get you working more efficiently and become profitable faster!

And be sure to grab my FREE checklist while you’re there.

Ok Ninja, no more worries! Every little thing is gonna be alright!


Interested in becoming more involved in the community and to grow your business? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too! We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup!

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3 ways to keep the burnout monster at bay!

3 ways to keep the burnout monster at bay!

We’ve all heard of burnout, right? It’s a common theme of conversation among business owners. However when it comes to being a childcare business owner, it can get a whole lot more serious. And the effect of burnout can have devastating repercussions for your daycare.

I joked in my Monday Moves YouTube video that Godzilla is my burnout coach…but all joking aside, this is a topic that needs to broken wide open!! So, while Godzilla may not actually be coaching me about childcare burnout, it is a very real thing and it can totally kill your childcare business.

Why it matters

Not only have childcare business owners been battered with the Covid-19 stick this last 18 months, there’s another pandemic that’s impacting too: BURNOUT.

Not too long ago, my work phone was ringing off the hook with back-to-back parents desperate for childcare provision. I couldn’t figure out what was up. Had there been some new housing nearby? A new company moved into the neighbourhood maybe? Nope. It was because a center in our area had closed. Not just temporarily because of coronavirus testing, but actually shut.

And when I investigated further it’s because the owner had completely burnt out. They’d had enough and thrown in the towel.

Many childcare businesses have been lost to provider burnout and if you don’t want to be the next childcare business that is putting up a CLOSED sign on your door, then now is the time to learn how to recognize it and how to combat it. After all, you can’t be essential if you’re not even open.

What is burnout exactly?

According to Kat Hounsell in an interview with Medical News Today, “In a nutshell, [burnout] is a syndrome brought on from chronic workplace stress that hasn’t been successfully managed.” It is a state of mental and physical exhaustion that absolutely sucks the joy out of your job and your relationships. Not a great place to be if you’re trying to run a childcare business, right?

If you’re continually exposed to stressful situations, like caring for an elderly parent, or working long hours or late shifts this can lead to burnout. Sometimes it can be the trauma of modern life and the constant upsetting news – like the death toll of Covid or another school shooting – that pushes you over the edge.

However, helping professionals, such as doctors, nurses, teachers and childcare owners are especially vulnerable to this health condition. Which is why I need you to know


But what does that actually mean? What are the signs?

How to spot burnout

There are things you can look out for when it comes to chronic stress and burning out. When you know what to keep an eye on, it can only be a good thing.

  • Emotional exhaustion: it causes people to feel drained, massively overwhelmed, and dog-tired. You’ll notice a lack of energy to get your work tasks done.
  • Loss of enthusiasm for work: People experiencing burnout view their jobs as increasingly stressful and frustrating. You might notice that you’ve grown cynical about the job or maybe people you work with. You may also emotionally distance yourself from your team and begin to feel numb about your work.
  • Reduced performance: has an impact on everyday tasks at work. You might feel negative about tasks. You’ll probably have difficulty concentrating and sometimes find that you can’t be creative anymore.
  • Physical symptoms: Chronic stress may lead to physical symptoms, like headaches and stomach aches or gut problems. And it can lower your immune system, making you more susceptible to colds, the flu, and insomnia. You’re also more likely to suffer with mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

And these things creep up. They don’t happen all at once.

lookout for burnout symptoms

What I’ve noticed about burnout

From my own experience of burnout, and watching some of my peers suffering too, I know how we can prevent it happening to you. There are 3 main things that we’re not doing that cause us to burnout. Firstly we don’t have good enough systems in place; we fail to delegate anything; and we neglect ourselves.

So here’s how to tackle each of those:

Sort out your lack of systems

Don’t eye roll! You know I’m right! Burnout is one of the reasons that I’m a huge advocate of systems. I’ve learned the hard way that having systems in place solves a large number of stress issues. So trust me when I say that you need to have better systems in your childcare business.

Having tried and tested systems means that you can relax a little. You’ll have a solid way of doing things so that other people can take the reins when you go on holiday. By putting the systems approach to work in your childcare business—however large or small!—you’ll grow a better and more efficient business AND be less stressed which means you can dodge burnout!

Start by downloading this systems freebie!


Start delegating

Part and parcel of being a childcare business owner is being a control freak. You know it. I know it. We love to be in charge, right? And that does have its positives. We get stuff done! We can be efficient go-getters and we’re leading a team of childcare workers well…or are we?

Sometimes good leadership is about delegating. It means you’ve got to trust your team members. So take a deep breath and remember that you hired them because they’re well-qualified, brilliant humans who love kids. Why not give them a chance to shine? Picture yourself as Oprah – “You get a task, and you get a task, and you!”


Giving opportunities to your team to lead so that you can take your foot off the gas is an essential for keeping burnout at bay. And this is linked to systems because if you’ve got those in place, you can be safe in the knowledge that they’ve got a map and compass for the journey without you!

Prioritize self care

When was the last time you took a holiday? Or even a lunch break? This is the main reason, I believe, that childcare business owners burnout. We constantly put everyone else first.

So to combat burnout, you need to start taking your well-being seriously. You need to put yourself at the top of the to-do list for a change. What do you do to wind down? Self care doesn’t have to be an expensive trip to the spa!! Sometimes going for a walk, talking to a friend, or watching an funny program on television can spark some joy. Small self care gestures like these can stop stress from turning into something more serious, like burnout. Here’s a blog that might be useful.

But from my perspective, I must say that a holiday is pretty essential. Doesn’t have to be a fancy trip away, it could just be a week in your home with your phone on airplane mode and binging on Netflix and homecooked delicious food instead of rushed take-outs.

self care

Looking after yourself, asking for help and setting up systems are the keys to not burning out. Hands up who’s gonna start today?

Hopefully after reading this blog post, you can see how burnout can be avoided by making a few small changes to your daily routine. Even if you’re working long hours, taking care of young children, and also running a home on top of a childcare business – remember to sprinkle a little joy into your day-to-day life.

We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for biz ideas and to take a sneak peek behind the scenes!

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6 apps for your childcare business you should start using right now!

6 apps for your childcare business you should start using right now!

When you set up your childcare business, you did it because you have a gift. A gift for inspiring and shaping young minds! But that doesn’t mean you’re a natural marketeer or business whiz, and that’s ok! When I first started as a childcare business owner, I didn’t know about any of this stuff and promoting my business was hard. But it doesn’t have to be hard for you! Apps are where it’s at.

Now there are so many amazing applications you can use to promote your business, and you guessed it – improve your systems

Here are just a few of my favourite apps for your childcare business…

Get creative with Canva 

Canva is a free online designing tool where you can make just about anything look professional without even having to download any fancy software. Need to create an invite to an event at your business, a flyer to advertise, or a picture to share on social media? You can do it all!

You can even upgrade for extra pictures or designs, but there’s so much choice already you probably won’t have to! And there’s a handy smart phone version too for those on-the-go posts!

Be the face of your business on Facebook

Facebook is an amazing way of building a community for your business. You can create private groups for parents to share photos and for you and your team to share photos with them! You can create a business page where people can write you glowing reviews, and you can join mom’s groups to say hi and let them know what services you offer. 

I’d recommend creating a profile or page that you use specifically for your business – so you can keep it really professional! Read more about how you can use social media for marketing here.

Spread the joy on Instagram

Instagram is a great way of networking with other childcare business owners, making friends, spreading your personal journey, and sharing some joy! A lot of your potential customers will be on there, hanging out, so I highly recommend getting involved in this app!

Choose pictures of you, your space, quotes you love, advice you have for others, and the people who make your business tick. If you’re going to share pictures of your mini clients, make sure you have permission from their mom’s and dad’s and only show their backs, let’s keep their little faces off the ‘gram! 

Share all the good stuff with ContentCal!

Why make your life harder? You’re a small business owner who is growing and scaling their business. To make life easier, schedule your content in advance with tools like ContentCal.  It’s such a great idea to use scheduling apps for your childcare business.

ContentCal means you can plan out your whole week’s content with your gorgeous designs from Canva! Share on your social media accounts without having to post live. As time goes on, you’ll see when people really love to see your content and can start sharing at those times. 

apps for your childcare business

Get it all together on Kartra

Kartra is a one-stop-shop for so so much. Websites, emails, agency management, helpdesks, calendars, payment processes – you can do it all in one place!  There are loads of different styles of memberships so you can adapt what you pay based on what you need. Just up what you pay when your business grows.

I do all the things on there that I need to grow my business and it makes it easy just having one thing to do it all! Rather than opening 72 million tabs to get some marketing done! If you want to give it a try, I have a link especially for you right here.

Stay in touch on Slack

I couldn’t get through a post without reiterating how systems = success! I use Slack to keep in regular contact with my team. You can create channels for each project, maybe it’s a new opening or a great Christmas event you have planned. All the relevant team members can be in the channel and get updated whenever messages are sent. 

You can set up meetings, share files, and most importantly keep in touch and stay connected with the people who make your business tick! 

Make your life easier, today! Try these apps for your childcare business!

Using apps and tools has helped me revolutionize my business and seen my business grow. Have you tried other apps for your childcare business? Are there any tools you’re using that I haven’t covered?  Then why not join my Facebook Group to pick up the conversation – let’s learn together! In the Childcare Ninja Facebook group, we’re always sharing ideas and learning from each other- creating our childcare empires!

There’s no need to go it alone on your childcare business journey when there is a huge community just waiting to support you and lift your business to new heights

– see you at the top!

We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming more involved in the community and to grow your business? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! Or if you prefer Instagram, we share ideas and tips there too!

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It’s time to sort out your systems!

It’s time to sort out your systems!

Last week I was talking about financial systems, but this week I’m focusing in on the general ones you need to have in place for your childcare business. I know I have mentioned systems before, but there’s a reason why I’m a huge advocate—THEY WORK!

When I implemented systems into my day cares, I was able to take a breath, and then begin to up my game! We’re halfway through quarter 1, and there’s still plenty of time to get around to organising your own so you can have your best year yet!

Hands up if you’re ready to get systematizing for a super successful 2021? If you’re in, read on!

What’s so great about systematizing?

What isn’t there to love about getting systems in place?! Who doesn’t want to have processes that will help you get organized and help your staff become more independent?!

Nailing your systematizing means you can take time off to relax, to follow your passions, all without guilt. No longer will you spend days out of office worrying about how everyone’s coping without you, leaving your cell phone on just in case. You’ll be able to take a deep breath and walk out of the day care center knowing that you’ve got things covered!


It’s good for everyone if you can de-stress — your staff will feel more empowered and valued and your business is bound to flourish! I’d love to encourage you to plan and brainstorm around creating your systems for a successful 2021.

Why start now?

We’re mid-February which I know is only a short month, but we’ve still got plenty of time! This really is the best time to start putting systems in place if you haven’t yet got around to it because we’re still early on in the year.

So I’d love to encourage you to start the year strong, you’ve probably already created your vision for the year and set your goals so systems come next to turn those into action steps. It’s an ideal time to do it at the beginning of the year as we have other planning going on as well so it makes sense to take some time and brainstorm.


Assess what you’ve already got in place

Look at what you have in place right now, what’s not working, how you’d like to see it work in 2021 and begin making changes.

Break down all the steps and processes that you have in place, adding in the things you’d like to improve. Now you’ve got a plan and a sort of flow chart to guide you through each area of your business.  If you need a guide to help you with this process, download your free childcare business map here and get started building your systems.

So let’s take a step back, get some perspective and look at the systems we have in place. Note down all those little tasks – cleaning toys, writing a menu, invoicing clients…everything! What’s working? What’s not? Dig in and start making some changes.

Once you’ve got your systems all laid out, it’s time to call a staff meeting and get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet!

Up-level your organization NOW!

The systems are what’s going to help you reach your goals in 2021, the earlier the better.  It’s already February, so let’s do it now! Let’s up-level those systems to create success in our Childcare business this year.

And there are so many brilliant ways you can get organized nowadays. From apps to incredible planners, you can get everything sorted out and in order! Systems don’t have to be stressful. But they can help you take your business to the next level!


So what’s stopping you from getting systems in place?

Would you like to chat with me about taking your childcare business to the next level? I’ve been where you are and I can help you grow much faster than I ever did, because I now have the road map. I’ve been coaching women like you and I have seen the progress they’ve made in a short space of time. You can too! All you have to do is book a free discovery call with me, Nyckie B here!

Come and let us know over in the Childcare Ninja Facebook group! I’m sharing tips on setting those systems up so you can actually grow your childcare business.

We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!

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Are you putting profit first in your childcare business?

Are you putting profit first in your childcare business?

If I asked you right now what your profit was going to be at this moment, would you know? Have you got a system in place to give you a birds-eye view of what’s going on in your childcare business finances right now?

It’s important that you nail this as soon as possible, so you can see at a glance what you’re making and how much profit you’ve got.

I’ve spent the last few years really honing in on making sure I have a cash flow system within my financial system that allows me to see what’s really going on – so I can see what my profit truly is.

Read on for tips on putting profit first and making your childcare business more streamlined financially.

So why do we need to know about profit?

When it comes to finances, you want to be able to get a quick and easy-to-understand overview. This is so you can actually pay your bills on time, not miss essential payments because you’ve prioritized things, and – vitally – you won’t have so many Childcare biz surprises!

One thing I’ve looked at and has helped me a lot is the “profit first” system of cashflow. I’ve also written more about profit here and lessons I learned from watching The Profit!

cash flow profit first

How does “Profit First” work?

I read the book “Profit First” by Mike Michalowicz and boy oh boy it was a game changer! A massive help. It’s helped me see where I’m making a profit easily, where things are going more clearly. Which means I have a much better handle on payroll – which my staff appreciate! – and obviously this helps me keep the whole taxes thing under control too.

profit first book mike michalowicz

Profit First is based on a waterfall system where all income flows into your top income account, and then on the 10th and 25th of every month, this cash is allocated out to the other accounts – based on your current allocation percentages. So you can have accounts for Tax, paying yourself, profit and expenses, that you put money into twice a month. It’s flexible to suit your needs and definitely worth looking into!

Getting finance systems in place!

Creating a system doesn’t have to be hard to understand, and I love the way the author, Mike, broke it down in a very simple manner. It really helped me get a better grasp of where my money’s going and I’d love for you to have the same.

The earlier in your business you can do this, the more ease you’ll find in your business regarding finances.

I’ll be going Live tonight in my Facebook group, talking about, “Creating a cash flow system that’s simple”. Do come and join me, I’d love to share the process I use and how I adapted Mike Michalowicz’s book “Profit First” model to work for my Childcare business. I’ll be discussing how to create a system where you can be clear on your profits and expenses and easily get a ‘snapshot’ of your finances at any given time.

There’s going to be some super tips that you’ll want to implement! Never miss a bill again or find yourself short at the end of the month!

So pop it in your diary, tonight 8 PM EST in my group. Join the FB group here. If you think any of your Childcare Biz owner friends would also love it, send them the link!

systems for finance childcare ninjas

Have you read the book “Profit First”? How did you find it?

If you haven’t had a chance yet, I’d love for you to read the book, and put together a simple cash flow system that is easy for you to follow. Are there any other money books that have helped you in your business or life? I’m always looking for recommendations – hit me with your lists in the comments!

Come and let us know over in the Childcare Ninja Facebook group! We’re an army of childcare professionals who are sharing ninja-sharp skills to transform our businesses into childcare empires! This is Childcare Ownership all Grownup! Interested in becoming a part of the community? Join us for more tips on how to make your childcare business the success it deserves to be! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!

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